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Video Games

Video Games
LukeH's avatar

Man, I've never actually watched an Alien movie or played an Alien game... I reckon I need to change both of those facts this year!

Paul's avatar

Ok, you need to stop what ever you are doing right now and go watch 1,2,3 and resurection (maybe). Any film following them is redacted.

Then turn off the lights and play Alien Isolation.

LukeH's avatar

Any film following them is redacted.

Love this 😂

Ok, you need to stop what ever you are doing right now and go watch 1,2,3 and resurection (maybe).

Alex Price it is Friday after all...

Horror and Cats's avatar

I'm in Tennessee for business next week and I'm seeing Romulus on one of the evenings. I plan to do a hot take right after getting back to my hotel because I’m a HUGE alien fan.

P.s I’ve also promised a series of playing Alien Isolation in VR on my channel. A promise I regret


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