According to Wikipieda, machinima is "the use of real-time computer graphics engines to create a cinematic production". We want you to recreate any scene from other media, such as a TV series, movie, or play, within a video game (or game-based movie tool like Source Filmmaker) of your choice, and submit the video to this bounty.
Your submission must:
Be at least 40 seconds long (but longer is better)
Include the scene you're recreating and the movie, TV show, play, etc that it's from (hide it in a spoiler box if you'd like people to guess!)
Be a video submitted through a connected social media account (here's how to do this and why)
Be created using any video game (or game-based movie tool like Source Filmmaker)
The more you can do to hide the game you're using, the better - turn off the UI, use mods to achieve different camera angles, that kind of thing. The rewards will go to the best, longest, most effortful submissions!
10 available
Pot total
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