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Video Games

Video Games
yan57436's avatar

I believe the ps5 pro is coming

JHenckes's avatar

I don't know how much Sony will bet on PSVR, they're trying to port it to PC to increase the number of players. I think PSVR is defined by the phrase "the right technology at the wrong time". I believe that the PS5 pro should be announced and some exclusive game focused on the new generation, even if it's still in its infancy.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'm still waiting for a PS to be as slim as the PS2 Slim was. I would sell my soul for one, that console was perfect, I was taking it with me in my handbag and just pull it out and friends' house or in a hotel, hook it up to the telly and play. Don't tell me they can't make a console that thin when we have gaming laptops...


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