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Video Games
CMDR Henckes's avatar

The only solution for that is stop to make things and products limited. There is enough demand to produce 100 times more units.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


They want to be rich 🤑 but the guilty number 1 are the game company, his limitatet unids and that they trust that is only for to play and not for resale

3 or 4 times his original price

Makster's avatar

I’ve never had problems with ordering/ buying tbh.

Companies only really need to sell the item if people buy them then it’s priced competitively

Paul's avatar

The only way companies would lift a finger to stop scalpers is if they didnt get the money. This makes their shareholders happy and keeps the big wigs pickets lined.

I feel they should only sell to people with a psn account and authenticate the purchase via that. However this will cause problems for those buying their first console and/ or people on countries that do not allow psn.

Limal's avatar

Fulfill the demand. Sony is 100% guilty of this. This will always happen when you release fewer products than there are buyers.

My friend bought a PS5 early. As soon as he received it, the local Facebook buyers were offering an extra $300, so he sold it and bought a Nintendo so we could play together.

Makster's avatar

happens with Nintendo too with the Wii back in the day and amiibos

Lanah Tyra's avatar

The only solution I see for this would be produce for demand and not by guess. Kind of how Kickstarter works. Put up a campaign saying hey there will be this console with this special design, we are running the campaign this long, if you want to get one you pay for it during the campaign period then we deliver it by X date. One per person and you have to provide ID and address details.

Same with collectors editions. Don't make just 10k pieces.... Make as many as people are willing to buy. It will be still a limited amount compared to the normal version of the game but would be way more than what they set as a limit now.

As a collector I couldn't care less how many other people have it I just want the thing...


Good call maybe how it becomes limited is after the window has closed to register your interest it then becomes limited!? Could work well! Good idea

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Yeah that was my thought as well, it would be still limited because it's available for a limited time so it would have give that feel of "oh I have something not everyone has, something special" but on the other hand it would be made for more people, reducing the need for people buying from scalpers and brining more money for the company. So it would be a win-win.

Like with collector's editions. Who decides on how many get made? Why only that many? How do you measure how many "collectors" are for your game?

With the FFXVI PC launch I think SE missed a huge hit with not releasing the collector's edition goodies again. There are collectors among PC players while exclude them? And maybe console players would also buy it now that they have played the game. Often you don't want to get a collector's edition on release because you are unsure about the game, then you play it and you think "you know what, this was amazing I should have gotten that statue..."


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