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Makster's avatar

343 changing names is like Bungie changing to 343 Studios. Just a re-brand.

The original creators of Halo left the franchise for Destiny. Just because you have a few creators of the original left doesn't mean it'll have the same spark.
Case in point:

  • Silent Hill after 4. Akira Yamaoka remained on board but he only did the music and every SH afterwards are not regarded as highly as the PSX/PS2 era

  • Back 4 Blood. Again the L4D designer didn't stay on at Turtle Rock after 2010


Very true but I am hopeful they can rise from the ashes like a phoenix as halo is a franchise that I think still has so much to give yet has been handled to poorly by Microsoft so far! Fingers crossed 🤞

SIRCAM's avatar

I'm a big fan of Halo since 2001, who would have thought we would see this saga made under Unreal Engine 5, the Engine suits it pretty well, hope they let us play a demo someday 😎


Fingers crossed! What would you like to see from future halo games?

Boomer's avatar

I'm quietly hopeful!

“Respectfully, some components of Slipspace are almost 25 years old,” art director Chris Matthews said in an interview with Xbox Wire. “Although 343 were developing it continuously, there are aspects of Unreal that Epic has been developing for some time, which are unavailable to us in Slipspace – and would have taken huge amounts of time and resources to try and replicate." [link]

No wonder they were having issues...they were fighting (almost) 25 year old tech and a non-trivial portion of the team (contractors) couldn't stay for more than 18 months at a time!

The move to Unreal should take away a lot of work and make the rest easier to handle. Hopefully this means they'll be able to commit to smaller, more frequent, and more focused titles like ODST and Reach 🤞


Very good point! Let’s hope for a bright future of halo! I wonder if the rumoured remaster of the original halo is on the cards too?


To be honest I actually didn’t expect this, I thought after the Activision acquisition that they may have given halo to one of the call of duty studios to see what they could do with it as I’d be down to see what treyarch or infinity ward could do with the halo ip, could have been interesting and fresh ! But hopefully with all the studios under the Microsoft banner they can get the right taken into halo studios to make it something great again!

yan57436's avatar

I think microsoft is lost as a whole, they don't have a direction on what to do. I can't imagine how a messy house would have an organized basement.


I do agree with this tbh, I think Microsoft’s handling or strategy of lack there of has made this generation a disaster for them in the console space and for the industry as a whole as I don’t feel gamepass and cloud gaming will be good for the consumers in the long run


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