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Video Games

Video Games

Diablo IV VoH is going hard as heck


oh and I'm always playing Smite 2 but yknow I can only vote for one thing

Lanah Tyra's avatar

FFXIV as there is still so much content to do, but I also want to get back to Rebirth, I'm still stuck somewhere at the beginning touching grass XD

Ford James's avatar

I am this close to beating Shadow of the Erdtree - I just have to get through the second half of Enir-Ilim and beat the final boss. But I have played so much Elden Ring lately, I am totally burnt out, so need to find the motivation from somewhere.

Sav's avatar

Been playing Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom and have been loving it a lot!

CelestialFlea's avatar

Started playing Star Trucker, basically ETS2 IN Space. It's been quite enjoyable so far and surprisingly challenging if you pick standard mode, which has energy, fuel and life support management. I feel like this is the way the game is intended to be played.

No serious bugs as yet either, surprisingly stable with a lot of potential.

XCezor's avatar

At this moment I'm tryharding The Binding of Isaac 😅

Hunter's avatar

Elite Dangerous stilll after years a realy solid and fun game to me 😎

Paul's avatar

Towards the end of last month I had a hankering for a new survival game. There is one I have my eye on called God Save Birmingham (which is an open world medieval survival/zombie game) however it isnt out yet so I bought Medieval Dynasty.

Its a budget, standard survival game where you start with nothing and build a base however you can recruit settlers and build a working town. Im having alot of fun with it, if you like openworld survival games its a good one to jump in to.

Konquest's avatar

I binge played this when it first got released for early access. I think it sort of ruins the magic. because most of the updates after that was not able to convince me to go back, I know they must have added in lots since then. I do agree though that it's a pretty good game.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


Anyway l’m not finished any of this games but l play all of then and l hope to play the last game in VR Versión

Amoni P's avatar

It's probably EVE Online and Inscryption. Inscryption is such a good game for listening to podcasts while playing.

I picked it up again needing something to do during downtime at work and something that wasn't too demanding of the language center of my brain so I could listen to a podcast, Inscryption fits that bill pretty well. Over the last few weeks I've done two playthroughs of the game now.

Gofioman's avatar

Elite Dangerous but the ultimate 2 weeks, I focussed in Star Citizen.
I need action in the black ... in the black side hahaha.


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