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Video Games

Video Games
Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


The competition make the videogames industry more interesting and more offers from Microsoft and XBOX is always welcome

SIRCAM's avatar

Cloud gaming it's definitely the future.

Dave's avatar

Sold my big noisy gaming pc & use GeForce now streaming on the ultimate tier via a MacBook Air. Honestly you would not know it’s a stream, it’s hard to believe really when using it.

As for the xcloud streaming, nowhere near as good, really blocky low bit rate stream & noticeable lag. that said this change if it happens is great news, they just need to make the quality of the core streaming product MUCH better.

Most people buy digital these days, large vocal minority online that buy discs & hate digital. Most people prefer the convenience & aren’t bothered. The same will happen with streaming (including the vocal minority).

It will remove the ever increasing upfront costs, that a lot of people increasingly can’t afford & replace it with a remote hardware rental timeshare model of pay as you go or unlimited time packages etc. accessed through an app on your smart tv.

The thing is though as mentioned in another comment, it’s the future, it’s not ready for mainstream use just yet. Needs work.


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