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Video Games

Video Games
Paul's avatar

I have never understood the reason for this existing. As you pointed out, you can do exacly the same with a phone/tablet and an adapter for the controller, which I do. Yes you dont get the haptic feedback however that is not necessary to play games and I can use bluetooth headsets with my phone and tablet 🤷‍♂️

If this was a standalone device like the psp with even just enough memory for 1 or 2 games then ok, but I feel its an over priced attempt at fixing a problem that doesnt exist.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Agreed. I actually installed an app on my Steam Deck that does this thing's exact job lol. I played nearly all of Aliens: Dark Descent lying in bed with the Deck

Paul's avatar

Remind me to ask about that app when I get one

Horror and Cats's avatar

Shall do! Was a little funky to install, but I am NOT a Linux native so I was trying to figure out everything from scratch


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