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Video Games

Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

Was going to post about this but then my week went into hell mode so didn't get around to it.

Things I know so far:

  • It will be China first and then Global release, Chinese beta is in progress at the moment

  • Currently it will cover the story of A Realm Reborn and they will see how to implement future patches

  • Free to play with some form of monetisation which is not clear yet (most likely glams, emotes mount and sort of things you can buy currently via the Mogstation for the main game) but it won't have gatcha elements

  • Separate from the current game, so there won't be cross-play with PC or console players

I think they are missing out on not including the story of 1.0. Players been asking for it for a long time to have some form of replayability of the storyline of the original game, this would have been the perfect chance for it.

Wil be interesting to see if abilities will be similar to how they were back in 2.0 or closer to their current form. In the trailer we can see abilities which are not present on the jobs featured.

I'm mostly curious about how they are going to do the fights, as it's a very movement heavy game, not just having to meet a damage check but also executing mechanics with positionals and such. How are they going to do that on mobile without the need for using those controller adaptors you can get?

I'll definitely try it out when we get the Global release.


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