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Video Games
SIRCAM's avatar

Sony should bring this amazing game remastered to PC ☺️.... let's dream about it 🙌

Horror and Cats's avatar

Honestly, if I could play this on my Steam Deck I’d take it, even at 30FPS haha

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Half-life 3 confirmed. Wait, Bloodborne PC confirmed am I right??

Horror and Cats's avatar

If Valve did something THIS leading about HF3, I'd believe it haha

Thomas's avatar

Every single videogame presentation, whether it's The Game Awards, State of Play, Nintendo Direct, Commodore 64 Expo, whatever, I go in with begging for some Bloodborne news and come out disappointed. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now but I haven't so naturally I'm very hyped

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'm always hyped for some FF news, either FFXVII or the rumoured FFIX remake, but nothing.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I loved this game, really is a masterpiece in my opinion.


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