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Video Games
Makster's avatar

I think there is a higher chance of Switch 2 being announced at the award show.

Also IF Half Life 3 is announced and released whether they'd use Mark Laidlaw's non-official Half Life 3 synopsis

Rich's avatar

Switch 2 was a very fair guess! Some kind of announcement on that must be coming soon.

Makster's avatar

Looks like it didn't happen


I wonder if we will ever see HL3? seems to be more and more rumours about it which is making me wonder it might be real?

As they say "there's no smoke without fire!"

0ffworld's avatar

I know it's easy to say this after it didn't happen, and even though I think HL3 is never going to happen, if it were to happen, Valve would definitely not use someone else's platform to announce a third Half Life game. They'd do it 100% on their own, utilizing Steam and the Steam home page with the biggest splash screen the gaming sphere has ever seen.

Still, I, personally, don't see it happening.


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