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Video Games

Video Games
projectazone's avatar

It depends... 100 dollars is a lot, in my opinion too much for a game, but if paying 100 dollars for a game, in this case GTA allowed you to earn real money inside the game, you could even accept such a cost. But like this, without earnings but only to play it, 100 is a lot.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

I think that 100 $ for GTA VI is ok but

the rest of the companies want to sell us ASASSIN GREED , FIF4 or Grand Tunismo

In 100 $ like normal price mamma Mia

projectazone's avatar

Gta is also worth that price, just look at how it maintains its price even after years... but other games, I don't know if I would spend that much on them

Makster's avatar

Rockstar has a proven track record for amazing games with great replay and longevity.

If any developer can charge that much it’d be them

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


The problem is that the others will want ti sell us ANGRY BIRD in 100 $ too ☹️

Makster's avatar

Then just don’t buy it. Simple really..

dianthus's avatar

My thoughts are: games are becoming more and more expensive. And people are getting poorer and poorer. Eventually, not enough people will be able to purchase those expensive game titles to make it worthwhile for those who sell the, and they will have to drop the prices again.

GTA VI will probably sell very well, even at such a price, because it's GTA VI; it's not my kind of game, but it's the kind of game of so many people, and it has such a glorious past as a franchise.

I can totally imagine other companies trying to do the same with other titles, but as I said, eventually, the prices will have to drop down. In the meanwhile, buy your games on sale, or buy them used!

Makster's avatar

games are becoming more and more expensive. And people are getting poorer and poorer

The irony of this statement is nowadays people have more games than ever before.

Back when I had a N64/Gamecube/ and even Wii, I think I'd probs have <30 games per console and max two controllers.
Nowadays with digital downloads, frequent sales, and buying second hand, the landscape is cheaper than ever.

Also bear in mind that that games have not really adjusted for inflation for the last 10-20 years, its probably one of the more affordable hobbies. This news for GTA costing $100 is just a rumour/stunt but unlikely to become the norm

Kane Carnifex's avatar


So if you play 100 Hours you actually paying 1€ for each hour.
Its milkway mathematics stylor but hey... its something.

greybill's avatar

🔴 I'm not alarmed by rumors. 🔴


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