So this time around we are going to be taking a look at another recurring creature in Final Fantasy and it is the fire elemental summon called Ifrit.
Ifrit also known as Jinn is one of the most frequent appearing summons in Final Fantasy having appeared in nearly every FF since FFIII the only exception is FFXII, Ifrit's appearance has changed from game to game with his appearance slowly becoming less demonic and more beast like with each game, His appearance is often shown with brown skin, long horns and claws.

A powerful djinn with control over scorching flames hot enough to turn the whole world to ashes.
Dissidia Final Fantasy Summon Compendium
As well as the main FF games Ifrit has also made several appearances in spin off titles like Dissidia, Theatrhythma and the FF Trading Card game

In Arabian mythology, Ifrit is the name given to a class of Jinn (Demons also known as Djinn, Djinni, and Genie) that embody fire. Though they could live for thousands of years, they were not immortal, and if cut, they would "bleed" the fire running through their veins until it consumed their bodies.
Tetsuya Nomura even used Ifrit as an influence when designing the Dark Thorn, a Heartless boss in Kingdom Hearts.

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