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Video Games
Makster's avatar

I'd love to say Baldur's Gate 3. The ripple it has had on the industry, captivating the DnD market, long time lovers of RPG and those new the series has been outstanding. Couple that with co-op multiplayer too, it really is a show stopper and deserving of all the awards and nominations.

But not from me.

Sadly I think gaming has become homogeneous with companies utilising the same IPs or existing franchises. Great for fans for the brand recognition and we can still get some new and interesting gameplay mechanics+ graphics but also I feel this generation we are getting burnt out with it especially from the remakes, reboots, and re-imaginings.

So my nomination is the big guy in "sleek" black nylon: Dave the Diver.

A really charming artstyle, a mixture of gameplay between exploring, boss fights, and business management sim, there is a lot to keep players occupied. I love games with different gameplay/ mini-games to stave of fatigue and has that one-more round addiction that I got from Yakuza 0's hostess mini-game and Persona's Social link mechanic.

Couple that with some amazing bombastic characters - you have a game that didn't deserve to be stuck in console exclusivity on the Switch and thankfully has been announced for Sony's consoles


Who I think SHOULD win and who I think will win are sadly different.

I own Baldur's Gate 3 but (please don't shout at me) I haven't yet started as I fear my life will be all consumed by the scale and length of it.

I would love Alan Wake 2 to win personally. It was such a well written story and the interlinking story of Alan and Saga if top notch; the ability to play through each characters story arc alternately or getting to the point of no return before swapping to the other character is refreshing. It's also brilliantly written to slowly link the 2 stories no matter how you play.

The horror design and action sequences have been nailed, with the survival aspects perfectly balanced in terms of ammo and health.

The game's Zany story and characters help elevate it beyond other survival action games and the New Game Plus additional story elements make sure you return to unlock more of the plot.

The graphics are probably the best seen on consoles and really help you feel immersed in the environments and enemy design.

I cannot wait to play the DLC for this game! I know I haven't played through BG3 yet to give an opinion on that but AW2 absolutely trumps anything else I have played in the past 12 months, even Spider-Man 2 and Dave the Diver.

Fingers crossed the the underdog will come good.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

No one will shout at you here, don't worry:)

I also have BG3 on my list but haven't even bought it yet because I know I won't do anything else for months if I start 😂


Exactly, it will literally take over!

I was glad to see AW2 picked up a couple of awards at least, would have been very sad if it didn't win anything!

Will definitely need to start BG3 soon though based on it's awards run

Konquest's avatar

As a diehard D&D fan I would have to say

Balders gate 3

I love the deep characters & immersive experience. It may not be open world so to speak but I love the openess of how It doesn't limit you on the things you can do, literally. In most games when you are about to make bad or wrong choices the game has something in place to stop you. Here you can throw quest givers and essential npcs into lava and break the whole quest, the game doesn't stop you and you have to live with the choices you make :D some may not like it but I think that's what makes a great RPG.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Despite this being said, multiple times, Baldurs Gate 3. Over the years Baldur's Gate has evolved into this:

Now if we look back in time at the game itself, it has withstood the test of time itself. Now for those of you who are old enough like myself, if I show this image

You will of course get instant chills and nostalgia feelings immediately and remember the very first mission/quest when we knew nothing about the game, was probably one of the most frustrating things ever. But we persevered and kept moving forward.

In many ways, the games have evolved on "main games" such as essentially 1,2,3 with plenty of offshoots such as Tales of the Sword Coast, Siege of Dragonspear, Dark Alliance, Dark Alliance 2, shadows of Amn, throne of Bhaal etc, We of course had offshoot games like Icewind Dale which was essentially Baldurs Gate.

In my own opinion, there is no more deserving game, to win this award than Baldur's Gate 3, because, like the previous games, it has adventure, a gripping storyline, fantastic gameplay and most importantly, it has the staying power to withstand time, criticism and haters because of its huge fanbase.

Games need to deserve awards, to deserve awards you have to be able to keep your player base through thick and thin, a lot of games could learn a thing or two from these guys!

BeyondBelief's avatar

All great games! But my pick would be Super Mario Bros Wonder! I was lucky enough to play this back at EGX when it was first coming out and it was super fun! Super Mario games have always held a special play in my heart and in the gaming industry for the amount of players it still continues to pull in. I think Wonder is new and exciting and deserves a shot in winning.


Dave the Diver definitely!

I’ve only recently picked it up and I just can’t stop. The chapters are great, the writing is perfect and the mixture of fishing mini-game, resource management and upgrades is fantastic.

I still really enjoy the diving into the deep blue scene, even after 100 times.

I’d love to buy an animated screensaver that just had those little fishies doing their thing!

Sturmer's avatar

BG3 is the worst game in the world!

Seriously, it's like a never-ending tutorial: 200 hours in and you’re just getting started, at 400 hours you're still discovering crazy new builds and quests, and even past 600 hours, some random YouTube clip about female monks built in underwear has you rushing back to start yet another character. Think of all the human hours sunk into this game; we could've invented warp drive by now with all that brainpower!

But, if I'm being serious, this game is incredible. It’s not about the story, characters, or graphics – it's the amazing quality-of-life features that set it apart. It’s the alpha of RPGs, where you can truly focus on role-playing and put aside everything else you don’t like: save scumming, sending characters to camp, respecs, character swaps, fast travel. There’s no need to extend gameplay with tedious inventory management or endless running. It's a streamlined experience focusing on what truly matters in gaming

Paul's avatar

Balders gate 3

Nuff said....

Oh right, word count.... 10, 11, 12....


Well where to start? BG3 has been one of the most (if not the most) successful early access games ever.

Back when this was initially released I made the decision to wait until it's full release so I can experience it as it's best and I'm so glad I did.

From the very start the setting and characters are all amazing, not even a standard background npc sounds flat or out of character.

The story is engaging with the narrator pulling you along with a whimsical fairytale manner and every environment, meticulously detailed and exiting to explore.

BG3 blew every other game out of the water last year and on top of that, the developers actually care about their game, their fans and most importantly their employees.

Every game on that list is amazing in it's own way. However BG3 is the only one that both truly supercedes the previous title and manages to competantly stand alone as its own game.


Absolutely baldurs gate 3. I'd never played a bg game before and went in blind . Slightly reluctant to to pay full price at first as I often wait for sales. But this has been so worth it. I'm still playing through act 3 at nearly 100 hours. I'm playing a secondary game with a friend and I am planning a third play through in a different style.. I've never really done that with a single player game. I think it's because of versatility of character builds and the difference in game choices depending on what you do.

avrona's avatar

I don't think anything deserves it more than Baldur's Gate 3. To be honest, I haven't played it myself, it's just not my style of game, however it's the message that it sends across that is so important. It's a game that performed so well because it got all the basics down and isn't at all predatory as so many big games nowadays. It was just a project with so much passion behind it and it paid off for them big time, something that really needs to be studied in the AAA sector.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I haven't played any of these games from the list (yet) so simply based on what I know from trailers, reviews and heard from friend who played them, I will say Baldur's Gate 3.

The game looks stunning, it definitely delivers for all the D&D fans and as being one of them myself I'm really looking forward to play it. It's definitely a game which not just meets the expectations but exceeds them with the well written characters and voice acting, countless options of replayability and the developers' obvious care for the players. I think this is such a rare combination these days that it deserves all the recognition it can get.

If someone would ask me to recommend a game which is well worth the money I would probably say BG3 even before I would name a Final Fantasy game and that's a huge thing coming from me.


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