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Boomer's avatar

A get-together at WASD would be awesome! We'd need to get a group photo in front of the signage! 😀

Kings Court's avatar

Will "JA" be attending and have some representation at WASD ?

Rupert's avatar

I’ll be there! :)

Kings Court's avatar

Awesome !! I hope you have a good time and if you see me feel free to come say hi ! I will probs post some stuff here before I attend or whilst at the event !

Kings Court's avatar

Nice !! I hope you have an Awesome time and if you see me feel free to come say hi !

I will probs post some stuff here before I attend or whilst at the event !

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Will JA have its own booth of anything?

Nicole's avatar

Not a booth but watch this space...!

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Me and one of my team members are planning on attending so, would be cool if I could meet you guys :)

Kings Court's avatar

Not sure, I know they had their own segment at EGX when I attended, its how I found out about it ! Hopefully someone will be able to confirm whether they will or wont

Boomer's avatar

That Collab was a lot of fun! I'm not much of a photographer, but I felt like I really got into the headspace 😂

Calamity's avatar

I'm coming as a creator for the second time and I'm really looking forward to it 😊

I had so much fun, played some awesome games and met really lovely people last year 🌸

Lofty's avatar

Me too, deffo need to exchange some details 👍

Nicole's avatar

Hope we see you there, @Calamity. It felt like I never realised how much I enjoyed IRL meet ups until we lost them for a few years. Can't wait to get stuck back in. Welcome to Just About!

Kings Court's avatar

Awesome !! yeh I got accepted and was over the moon !! looking forward to meeting fellow creators, indie devs and just generally having a good time !! if you see me feel free to come say Hi !!

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Can we please organise a JA meet Up, Please? We must!

Boomer's avatar

Fantasybrainrot, think you'll be around for a meet up? 😄

SharkBlaj's avatar

As soon as last WASD ended I reached out to get another creator pass 👁️👄👁️✨

Nicole's avatar

Now that's high praise for WASD! Welcome to Just About!

Kings Court's avatar

Nice !! I am assume you got it and will be there ?

Lofty's avatar

I will be there on the saturday, armed with hi5 and lofty stickers. Would love to meet some more creators

Kings Court's avatar

I will prep a Swift Hi 5 just for you !! looool if you see me feel free to come say hi and redeem the hi 5 !

LeCoq's avatar

got my tickets already and just need to sort out the train.

Kings Court's avatar

Good Luck with the Train tickets ! I hope you get them fairly problem free !!


I shall be attending with my wife and the little ones

Nicole's avatar

We love to see families game together!

Kings Court's avatar

Awwww Bless !!! Family Cosplay ? or just a nice chill day out ??

Dave's avatar

Id love to go but I didn't know it existed until it got mentioned on here and it's a bit late to plan in. Plus now I'm getting older it's hard to find anyone willing to still go to these things with me as they can't justify the expense or time away with all the adult responsibilities. Probably working or have some obligation myself as well. Sad times, lol.

Kings Court's avatar

OH NO !!! dude !! sorry to hear that, well look ! there is always next year and as for "too Old" , NEVER !!! You are Never too Old to go to these things ! get your backside a ticket and get down there and seeing as you have this new community to interact with there will be people to meet once you get there !

Boomer's avatar

Hey folks, if any of you are heading to WASD 2024 in a couple of weeks, you might want to head over to this bounty. It closes tomorrow so thought I'd share! 😄

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