Wobbledogs is the whacky and whimsical dog-mutating casual sandbox game you truly had no idea you needed. We’d like to know how life steered you in the direction of a game that allows you to genetically control a canine’s innards. So tell us your Wobbledogs story and let us know how you’re finding the game so far! Are you still getting to grips with some of the mechanics or has it been (every doggo’s favourite) a walk in the park?
Include some images or video in your entry to illustrate your journey, be they of some of the favourite dog friends you’ve made along the way or of the outrageously complex dog homes you’ve built now.
If you're brand new to Wobbledogs, then join the Discord, get stuck in, and then respond to this reward later.
I must say, this game has been on my library for some time now, but I finally decided to give it a try! I love me an indie game with an original idea! Attracted by the silly concept and cute art style, I have been enjoying my time! Here's some highlights of my Wobbledogs journey!
Welcome to Wobbledogs! The tutorial was very fun, although a bit short, but it's fun to explore things by yourself, after all! My first ever dog was named Goose, which was also one of the first to perish... But it's life wasn't in vain! Some beautiful specimens were created! That was Olive Oil, my first ever breed.
Then, Bagel came around! I might have intentionally pushed the limits of the simulation in order to make a bit of a special dog, and it turned out well! Although it was born with the "rude" trait, it was very fun watching Bagel play with its new friends!
With this, came an expansion, very much needed! Can't have all this tomfoolery in one place! As you can see, I didn't think much about decorations or cleanliness. I was letting them live wild and free!
It was time to say goodbye to one of my first Wobbledogs, Randy. I didn't feel much for it because it was pretty much a default dog with a default name, but still, a very emotional experience watching death unfold! Then it was used to feed the others... But we don't talk about that...
The second death came around pretty much right after the first one, this being Goose. Its core was put to good use to extend the lifetime of Bagel, my favorite dog so far!
But then, I felt like it was time to go wild, and experiment a bit more. Behold, my new, somehow winged wobbledog! This was my first winged dog! It's also my first four eyed, so that makes it extra special!
I have yet to experiment more with breeding and genetics, which is by far the most fun mechanic in the game for me! All in all, a cozy and crazy experience!
At first I thought this was a game for kids because this game is so silly but after a long time I played, I really enjoyed it and the sensation of playing is like you have a real dog.
Starting from the first egg which then became a puppy that I cared and fed, then play with them also breed them until many species born and one of them is my favorite
And the most touching my heart is when your dog is going to die, your camera will be brought to highlight it for the rest of its life, and there I realized that is a game has a cycle like in real life, that make this game very special
(most mind blowing is there is Ghost Dog is exist, I just found out yesterday)
Oh my gosh, same. I didn't expect to get so addicted to the game but also so invested in all of my dogs that when they die, sometimes I feel genuinely sad and I'm not ready to let some of them go so I store them indefinitely.
Initially I tried to understand what the objectives of the game were, which happens with everything. Understanding the characters (the puppies), the means with which to achieve certain objectives and how to make the protagonist interact with the environment.
After understanding these first basic things, I started to interact with my first puppy (who is not my favorite). A very docile dog, perhaps because I initially cuddled him a lot, and then I started to make him try various foods available. It was so much fun to make him roll around, sleep and sometimes scold him but I immediately regretted it and praised him.
The puppies grow, interact with each other and it was nice to see the puppies playing with each other while my first dog was on his own. I also started to decorate the environment a bit, plant some plants and start receiving rewards that are useful for the habitat of the puppies.
That what was my question. After playing it for a while, I finally feel the game, now lets talk about it.
Mechanic and System This game serve a very simple system yet a difficult mechanic. What the difficult i say? about breeding, till now i cant figured how to get Unfertilized egg. but, I able to do many mutation. Mutation system is so simple, they only affected by their origins + the bacteria in the dog's gut. the bacteria encyclopedia serve there is so useful. I able to make Charles, the Tiny head big tail dog (lol). I always wonder why they easily died? they have a fix lifespan, that it can be extended via eating the Core. if you tired reading this, the simplest way to explain these text is, Eat. give em food, let em eat. thats how simple they are.
Graphic I unable to say something about this, the graphic just silly, as perfect as silly they are (lol).
My Journey is so random at first, but after I understand how the mechanic, I instantly remember about other game that have a similar mechanic, Spore. if you enjoy playing Spore, you may enjoy Wobbledogs too. it's fun to see how chaos and silly they are.
For me, all I need to do is to expand Charles age. I dont want he died, how silly and funny he is. i dont want it to dissapear, so i need to wait as many dogs as i need to dead and gave Charles the core. its sounds disrespectful for all the dogs, but... Its worth it. im sorry world, I will do anything for Charles. no one can take Charles from me.
I will tell you, at the beginning I didn't understand much, I was a little bit to understand the mechanics, and with what I had available I tried to follow a strong, but more funny thing was to continue clicking tirelessly on the car for the generation of food. It will not be a masterpiece of home, but to start I think I go well lol
Thanks for your entry GoJapan. We'll need some more detail if you're going to win a prize. I suggest playing the game a bit longer and then returning with more details about your journey!
I waited a while before taking part in this challenge, I wanted to go a bit further in the game to understand exactly the dynamics and the pros and cons. I have always loved dogs and playing a game like this was fun. I had the opportunity to raise several puppies, starting from the first Mingle to the subsequent ones that evolved. You make them play, eat and here too many different foods that are unlocked, you make them dig and you can also plant something. And then as you raise the dogs you can give them your own habitat, add objects like the gramophone that entertains them with music and much more. It is a nice game, without too many thoughts that makes you unplug.