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Books & Comics

Books & Comics
TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I will speed run the convention first I will whizz past the guests signing getting a glimpse as I zoom by then I will proceed to look at as many merch stalls as possible until the last 5 minutes where I will try get some cosplay photos.

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

Go and watch The Dark Room, it’s so much fun and never gets old


If I only had an hour, I'd go with friends and make a Bingo style game where we all have different bingo cards with a random assortment MCU characters name on. There would be obvious mainstream options but also less popular options on each card. The aim then would be for each of us to run around and get selfies with the characters from our bingo card. The winner has free drinks for the night!


look at all the lovely pvc suits :@

Toretto 70's avatar

Ofcourse I will lookin up new friend and research a new thing about content on there.

and taking some pic with any cosplayer or maybe join cosplay

Sinclair's avatar

I just wanna walk by my self XD taking some photo with cosplayers, buy some merch on booth


I would spend my 1 hour at MCM Comic Con doing the following:

- Purchasing any comics and manga I don’t have. - Finding as many individuals who are cosplaying as Kamen Riders, and taking pictures with them.

Makster's avatar

One hour is not enough time to spend at a comic-con. But if I did I'd probably have to think very carefully.

If there was a famous actor or artist that I desperately wanted to see then I'd happily queue an hour to see them for photos or a sketch/ autograph. People like Bruce Campbell, J Scott Campbell, Gail Simone, Rian Gonzales to name a few

Otherwise it would be to loop through the hall once to see what was going on and who is attending including any limited or event exclusive stuff before going more into artist alley. I generally try to wait until the last day before buying anything as often artists would rather they sell their wares cheaper than have to issue of moving it back. However you will run the risk of that item selling out before you're able to buy so I always make sure I have money on me rather than just card (although recently it has gotten a lot better)


I go to watch Oxventure Live, of course. Or, at least, I go to watch 58 minutes of Oxventure Live and then spend 2 minutes desperately struggling to stay in the performance hall while unknown forces pull me out because my 1 hour is up but I don't want to miss the second half of the story.

Sturmer's avatar

I’d pick my mobile lighting setup and photo bag and go for a cool cosplay photo hunt (with consent). 📸

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Not going sadly, maybe next time. But if I would I would love to chat to some cosplayers. I haven't done any cosplay since ages and would love to learn some tips and tricks how people are using 3d printing and such for their costumes, I'm still stuck with cardboard and scissors :D

And in general I love to look at the awesome costumes people come up with and show some appreciation. It always felt so good when someone came up to me to ask for pictures or say they loved my costume, so I also like to show some love to my fellow cosplayers.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Obviously, I am going tomorrow

But, if I had only an hour there. Just one hour. I would want to watch the cosplay competition, I find it incredible how much work people put into their outfits and how these cosplayers are able to bring our TV Shows/Cartoons/Animes to life. So, yeh, I'd go do that :)


look up a picture of the previous year. dress as a security guard. access all areas. try and grab some free food then bounce.

MargotCandy's avatar

run to the artist area and get new artwork and merch to decorate the house with (sort of my actual plan for Saturday)

Limal's avatar

Rush into a changing room to put on my cosplay suit and present it on a stage!

antibird's avatar

Don't cosplay too well or you will be stopped too many times for photographs. Talking from experience.


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