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TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

The last book I read was actually a short book called Barry Trotter and the shameless parody. Barry Trotter is a book which is a parody of the Harry Potter series the author Michael Gerber done a great job of making small changes to the HP world with great comedic effect. Barry Trotter goes to the Hogwash school in this book for example. It is a fun little book that is designed to give you a laugh as you are reading it and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in that type of book or is a Harry Potter fan.

Wings's avatar

I haven’t read this in forever but yes!! I forgot about this!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I have just started re-reading David Eddings, The Belgariad and I am on the first book which I finished last night, Pawn Of Prophecy where we first meet our hero as an orphan on a Faldors Farm, he is being taken care of by his Aunt Polgara and as he grows a little, he is suddenly whisked away on an adventure, full of danger, politics and revelations about himself and his family.

Whilst this is book one of five, the very first book really does set the tone for the rest of the series and quite frankly makes you want to read more. It's full of suspense, magic, terror and action all the while keeping the main storyline clear and present during the book.

Makster's avatar

A little bit different but I reviewed DaisukeRichard's artbooks.

Here is a piece I was talking about in the video

Philip's avatar

The Dreamer's Throne

I just finished reading the first 3 books of a series called 'The Dreamer's Throne'. These stories would fit within the Portal Fantasy and LitRPG genres.

The main character is a blend of 2 dead men. Paul Geller, an accountant from Earth with dodgy business dealings was murdered. Garrett Klein, a young noble who served a prince of Insomnium, was crippled and left for dead in an attack on the palace and royal family.

Garrett is fished from a river by a street girl named Ryn, who takes him to an inn run by a gang to recover. When he awakens he discovers he is paralyzed, missing his right hand and has the memories of 2 lives in different worlds. What's more, he has access to a skill system for 'awakened' and control of a mystical Dreamer's Throne that appears in his dreams and connects him with a spiritual realm called 'The Dream' that mirrors the layout of the waking world, but is filled with Nightmare creatures.

In these stories Garrett discovers his powers and uses them to make himself useful to the gang who he is now relying on for survival. As the books proceed he uses his intelligence and planning ability to offset his physical frailty to rise in the criminal underworld of Insomnium, whilst also taking on the other rulers of The Dream.

I enjoyed reading these stories and it appears the series isn't finished yet, with more books to come.

While the story follows the typical story arc of a young hero gaining power, I enjoyed this take of the hero being and remaining disabled despite the fact there is magic in the world. This helps him as his enemies continue to underestimate him, while he gains the loyalty of his followers who trust in his uncanny abilities to plan successful operations thanks to his growing powers in The Dream.

The author writes well, and though much of the focus is on the main character Garrett Klein, the descriptions of the waking world and the dream, draw you into a dark and cruel world populated by hidden monsters and beings with hidden agendas.

Foolish_Imp's avatar

The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski

I finally decided to read all the Witcher books not too long ago and decided to read them in order of release. I just finished The Last Wish and it was really good. I found the style of short stories to be easy to digest. I am a big fan of the games, especially The Witcher 3, so it was fun and interesting to see how true to character that Geralt is in the game. It was also fun reading something that didn't seem to have much focus in the book, but was included in one of the games which really makes you appreciate the attention to detail that the game writers had. There are a lot of interesting stories and world concepts that are slowly revealed in the book that you wouldn't be able to learn from the games or the shows so it was thrilling to gain that knowledge and compare what I knew and perceived from before. Overall, it was a really interesting and fun read and if you like medieval/magical fantasy I would recommend you give it a try.

Makster's avatar

I got into this shortly after being loaned The Witcher 3. And I enjoyed the Last Wish immensely.

I really like the short format of the stories too! It was like re-tellings of common fairy tales and fantasy tropes but then subverting them in very interesting ways. I love the way Andrzej doesn't elaborate too much on recurring cast like Jaskier (Dandelion) - he just turns up and from their interactions and dialogue you can tell Geralt and him have this friendship.


I am currently reading the book Monkey, which was written by Wu Che’êng-ên and translated by Arthur Waley.

It is an abridged telling of the Chinese tale “Journey To The West”. Which tells the origin of Sun Wukong, and the actual journey to the west which follows the trials and tribulations of Sun Wukong, Tripitaka, Pigsy, Sandy, and the Dragon Horse (name not known at the time of this writing). It is a thrilling novel that has adventure, action, and shows the various gods in Chinese Mythology, Taoism, and Buddhism.

This is a recommended read, as this story has gone on to influence many different forms of media and franchises, with the most well-known series being Dragon Ball (Z).

Sturmer's avatar


A novel by Isaac Asimov
It's about history and the future.

This book by a famous sci-fi writer might not be your thing if you like stories with just one main character and a short plot. The best part of this book is the giant, detailed world the author created. The big story of what happens over a long time is more important than the people in it. But that doesn't mean the characters are boring! Some of them actually fight back against what's supposed to happen.

Lots of sci-fi books spend a lot of time on the characters, but this one is different. The characters you meet are still interesting and unique, even though the story is huge. This book is just the beginning of a much bigger story about empires rising and falling. Reading it is like watching history happen in front of you.

Every page you read takes you deeper into this world, like you're watching a new civilization being built. It's a great start to what looks like a super interesting series.

No wonder they decided to adapt Foundation into a TV series - it’s phenomenal! I started reading this book, and the entire series, after watching Season 1. The visual influence was enormous, bringing the details of Asimov's universe to life right before my eyes (which was good and bad at the same time, but that different topic).

Makster's avatar

I started the book but struggled with the first few chapters. I think it was about space mining and universities? I dropped it for a more conventional book so I may pick it back up.

Sturmer's avatar

Thanks to engines and modern programming languages, making games nowadays is actually easier. And Nightingale is a good example: after 160+ hours in an early access game on UE5, I can hardly name any serious bug that blocked my progression or spoiled the gameplay.

Baldurs Gate 3 also was pretty smooth, so do the Valheim and many other games.

And then we get FF7 remake, which lags on 4090 :)))

Makster's avatar

Sorry what does this have to do with Foundation?

okayameji's avatar

I read a book by Tere Liye called "ILY". The book was so good, I cried (╥﹏╥). I waited for that book for almost a year because this is the 14th book of the novel series that I read and I can't wait for the next book!!! 🤩 The first series is ca lled "EARTH", you can read it from there and continue to the next series. You guys should read it because it's very very exciting!!!


It is a book . The core rule book for star wars edge of the empire. maybe not a traditional novel but certainly a book that helps you not only expand you star wars knowledger but also helps you to play the star wars game edge of the empire.

The book lies out the rules of the game, the different player characters you can create. how the mechanic of star wars works with a d and d style game and how to become a gasme master. You also learn to help your players have fun.

Overall i would recommend this book with costs around 40 punds. its opens up a world of gameplay and has an actual use!

its a book that gives you the ability to write your own stories by playing them.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Tender is the Flesh is an Argentinian book about all animal meat being tainted by a virus and so the government establishes human-meat breeding farms and processing plants.

There is a running suspicion that this was actually a ploy to decrease over-population and there never was a virus, but that is oddly not the theme of the book.

It's dark, dystopian, and a clear satire on the horrors of mass meat production. Much like this incredible horror short from Alter (it will genuinely affect your perception of dairy farms--also MAJOR CONTENT WARNING if you decide to watch it).

There are several powerful scenes and the read keeps you in suspense until quite literally the last sentence. The problem is, the last sentence falls flat.

I'm not sure if it's a translation issue or if the author just blew 209 pages of genre bending suspense, but I re-read it and the preceding pages about four times just to try and reframe it and couldn't.

Even still, if you like extraordinarily dark satire on human consumption, Tender is the Flesh might be up your alley.

Scrbzy's avatar

I very recently picked up Marvel Wastelanders: Star-Lord from a friend, it's quite short at only 318 pages but manages to pack a punch.

It follows an aging Peter Quill and Rocket sent to earth to locate an ancient artefact for the collector. I don't want to give too much away but lets just say, as the name suggests earth has changed. It explores Quill and Rockets relationship with moments of reflection on some deeply rooted trauma, it also addresses Quill's hero attitude and ability to remain optimistic in the gravest of situations.

I wouldn't of normally picked it up but I'm glad I did, I think it works really well as a standalone.

AirGaram's avatar

I hope you don’t mind me reviewing a series rather than a single book. It’s a six volume light novel series that I’ve read like two months back, which is recent to me since i still remember it. It is called Unnamed Memory. The series although consist of six volumes is being split into two parts the first three and the last. The writing of each one was amazing, really makes you want to read more. The well paced plot, the depth of the lore, and the intricate relationship between each of the characters, especially the two main protagonists, are what makes this series amazing.


i read through all the Tom Gates books, little childish i know but honestly best books i ever read VERY interesting and they are all quite consistent, i do highly suggest.


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