Some of the art that's been produced for graphic novels over the years is genuinely astonishing. This bounty is about celebrating that.
We want you to browse your collections and share a new photo of the best art you can find within the comic books you own (either cover art or panels is fine). Third-party images or copy-pastes from the internet will not be accepted - we want to see the best you've all got in your collections!
Share it through a connected social media account and submit it here (instructions below), being sure to tell us what the comic is, who the artist is, and what makes it so damn good (in case it isn't obvious). The best ten submissions get $2 apiece!
already paid
$18 / 20
This reward closed to entries at 2:59pm on June 24, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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