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Books & Comics
Makster's avatar

Is this from Pottermore?

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

It can be if you have done it on Pottermore but most people would know their ideal house even if they haven't.

Makster's avatar

But I guess you don’t really choose a house. The sorting hat does it based on your qualities. If you’d choose a house it’d be heavily swayed against Slytherins as they’ve been shown throughout the books as antagonists: see Voldemort, Malfoys, Pansy Parkinson

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

That's not exactly true after all Harry chose not to be in Slytherin.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I am Draco Malfoys long lost evil brother... Slytherin people!

Shovel's avatar

I’m in Ravenclaw !!!

Horror and Cats's avatar

I'm that Harry Potter themed cat condo Instagram keeps advertising to me

Philip's avatar

When I did the test I got Hufflepuff.


"Better be Griffindore!"


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