Do you have anything special you like/need to do in order to put out creative writing?
I find that if I'm on a device or even in a location where I do other even tangentially related things, concentration is harder to come by. I.e. I don't do my best when I'm in my office where I work/play/do content creation. Too many screens and too much sense memory of work or adulting.
What I usually end up doing is taking my laptop to either the kitchen table or sit on a stool at the bar, places I'm never really on a phone or trying to be productive, so less sense memory pollution.
Also, despite the fact that I'm much more happy in the cold (I keep my house at 58 degrees), when I write I like to be very warm. It's possible it's simply because the cold makes my carpal tunnel act up and my hands are stiff which makes typing slower, but I think it's more than that. Some kind of need to be cozy.
How about writer's block? What do you do?
When I'm having trouble filling the page or doing that thing where I write and rewrite the same paragraph a dozen times and am being too picky, a generous glass of bourbon will get the fingers moving. The writing gets a little spicier and I always end up wanting to edit the tone down a little later on, but if I need to get words on a page, nothing like a few fingers of whiskey to do the trick.
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