Content creation has its trends: fashions in games, platforms, content forms, and plenty else that come and go. YouTube comedy sketches and diss tracks, vlogging, and chat streams - they've all had their moments. More recently, 2023 saw an explosion of shortform content as Instagram and YouTube rose to the challenge of TikTok.
Jumping on a trend at just the right time can be the key to overnight stardom - bet Ninja doesn't regret going so hard on Fortnite when it was blowing up - so the question is: what's next?
Give us a chunky paragraph - at least 100 words or 60 seconds of video - or more on what you think will be the 2024 trends in content creation. Which game, content form, or platform (other than Just About, of course) has the best opportunity? Perhaps you see a trend forming already in what creators are doing, or how consumer habits are changing? The best-reasoned, most thoughtful submissions will get $5 apiece.
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