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Sturmer's avatar

The advent of 360-degree video technology has profoundly transformed my approach to content creation. One of the most significant game-changers has been the ability to frame shots in post-production. Unlike traditional video, where framing must be meticulously planned and executed during filming, 360-degree technology captures everything in the surrounding environment. This allows for unparalleled flexibility in post-production, where I can choose the best angles and perspectives, enhancing the storytelling and visual appeal of the content.

Furthermore, this technology has opened up new avenues for content reuse. With a single 360-degree video, I can create multiple pieces of content, each offering a different perspective or focusing on a different aspect of the same scene. This not only maximizes the value of each shoot but also provides diverse content options to keep the audience engaged. For instance, a single adventure travel video can be repurposed into a panoramic view of a landscape, an action-focused clip, and a behind-the-scenes look, all from the same footage. This efficiency and versatility are invaluable in today's fast-paced content creation landscape, where staying fresh and relevant is key to maintaining audience interest. The integration of 360-degree video technology has not just been an upgrade; it's been a complete overhaul in the way I conceive, produce, and deliver content.

The convergence of these factors - technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and the unique storytelling capabilities of 360-degree videos - positions this format as a key trend in content creation for 2024. Creators who adopt this technology early and learn to craft compelling, immersive narratives will have a significant advantage in captivating and engaging their audiences.

Boomer's avatar

That's a great use of 360-degree video!

Time management and staying on top of content production is something that's come up across a few bounties and discussions, and this sounds like a smart way to batch capture footage.

Sturmer's avatar

Yup, that more benefits like - you can focus on people and events around you, with a traditional camera you need to frame the shot all the time, potentially missing interesting things.

FUN INC's avatar

I would love to see / hear more about this - i don't know what you mean by 360 video - enlighten me into 2024!

Sturmer's avatar

Its a camera that shoots everything around it at the same time, all directions and angles. You walk with a stick and then in post, you can create a drone-like video, highlighting any details that you could miss with a traditional camera.

FUN INC's avatar

thanks for confirmation! - i think i realised shortly after on another bounty with your EVE online Monument walkaround! - very cool indeed! <3

Alex's avatar

I reckon the see through purple design is going to come back, I had this in the Gameboy design and it was honestly my favorite design for tech ever. I have seen a few keyboards and keycaps on the market that use this same design. Photo for reference if you've not seen it, but on a keyboard this design would actually look sick

Nicole's avatar

I had this one - I always thought it was so cool as a kid (still do)!

Boomer's avatar

I had the crystal Xbox and somehow never met anyone else with it.

I've still got it around somewhere, and I spent an ungodly amount of time playing Fable and Halo on this thing. Golden age of gaming if you ask me! 🧡

Not my photo.

Alex's avatar

Im honestly waiting for the switch to bring it back and then we're gonna see all the content creators jump on the trend hehe


i hope you are right this is peak design to me

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I see more and more creators either shifting away from Twitch or at least starting to multistream, not just to Youtube and Kick, but also to Twitter / Instagram which was not that popular before. With the direction Twitch is going with the "artistic nudity" .... hmmm.... how to put it nicely.... stupid idea maybe... I think we'll see even more creators trying to switch to alternative platforms.

As for the use of AI, it really seems like you have to use it if you want to keep up with the competition. But I think there will be a more open attack against those who use AI to create art out of nowhere and try to sell it as their own work. Seen this already happening, people angrily pointing at artists who post an artwork claiming it's their own and then turns out they completely used AI to make it.

Boomer's avatar

Multi-streaming seems like a good call. There has been a lot of movement between platforms in 2023, so maybe 2024 can be the year to reduce reliance on just one platform?

There's all this talk of porting profiles between social networks (built on the AT Protocol), but I wonder if we'll ever get to a point where it's easy for content creators to port their media between platforms?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I wish there was an easy way. Every platform is slightly different, just one example I have multiple versions of my banner image as every platform requires a different resolution, and while some of them let you zoom in or crop the image, others need it already to be uploaded in the specified resolution.

Boomer's avatar

That really is a pain with the banners! A few years ago I created a Photoshop template with specific guide lines on different layers for each platform. It was really handy to quickly adjust the dimensions and arrangement, but the platforms keep changing their requirements! 😖

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Same with the Photoshop template, it's really handy.

I also use OneNote with easy to copy-paste profile information templates or descriptions for my Youtube guides. Was thinking to add a checklist to it with each platform I have an account at so if I change something in the main template I know which platforms I have to update 😂

Boomer's avatar

That's a good idea. It gets so time consuming updating everything, and this way everything is consistent! 😅

avrona's avatar

Some predictions I'm at least somewhat convinced will come true:

  • Biggest nostalgia wave yet for old YouTube and content around it.

  • Short-form will die down a bit but still be popular, as people remember the value of long-form content.

  • The biggest increases in viewership will come for the most highly-produced and professional content, or the very homely, cozy, content, little for anyone in between.

Boomer's avatar

Next year will be 20 years of YouTube, so I bet the nostalgia wave will hit hard when that comes around!

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

As a YouTuber, I am finding that:

  1. Shorts will be more and more of a traffic source for content creators

  2. Shorter videos on games instead of 15-40 minute videos will emerge

  3. With software becoming easier to understand, I think heavier edited videos will become a thing.

  4. MMO's imo will begin to fade as a main genre based on the constant stream of failed MMO launches.

  5. Single-player survival games will rise as time vs ability to play games is becoming a thing.

  6. I think vlogging will also rise as people's lives can be quite a structure to a video.

Just a few thoughts from me

Nicole's avatar

Interesting take on MMOs! Curious to see if the genre will fade or if the numbers of titles will reduce to just a few real mainstays again.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

What's more, we keep getting these great-looking mmos with awesome trailers and then they are released and it's a huge disappointment you know?

Nicole's avatar

I hear ya! I forego a lot of trailers these days (game and film) in favour of reviews and post-launch ratings.

Boomer's avatar

I wonder if the success of the mainstays (EVE, WoW etc.) is because they were built in a different era.

Is there something about the modern approach to game design that just doesn't work for MMOs? Has the availability of things like PS Plus, Game Pass etc. changed the value of a subscription? Is there less demand by gamers for lifetime games, favouring bite-sized experiences (short matches, rapid content updates, mobile experiences etc.)?


I think one of the big trends we will see in content creation in particularly on YouTube will be the rise of the era of authenticity. What do i mean, well i think there is an ever growing appetite for less heavily edited content which features creators who are just incredibly passionate about their topic, and we will see more and more creators like this "blowing up". This move is being driven right now by video podcasts where people can just be sitting talking for hours on a particular niche and it can be super engaging content.

This era of over the top content (aka Mr beast era )will always have a place but i feel people are getting fed up with it and looking for something more authentic and REAL. This will also be further helped by the adoption of users watching YouTube on TV increasing all the time, with people wanting to kick back and relax with something on the TV or maybe on in the background whilst they work.

I think we will also see the slow down of short form content unless the monetization opportunities for it are greatly enhanced as there is no comparison between a long form video getting a lot of views vs a short, it will have its place but i see it more for community contact/building than earning a living.

I also see the Rise of AI making the barrier to entry so low that so much garbage content is flooded onto the platforms which will in turn help human creators as i see content created by humans becoming the premium type of content... I also think platforms such as YouTube will start differentiating/tagging and calling out AI generated content, potentially allowing users to filter or block it all together.

Either way its going to be exciting and lets all make sure we have the best year yet!

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