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Content Creators

Content Creators

My content usually consists of interviews, and due to work commitments, transcribing / uploading them pretty much take up all of my "blogging" time.

Aside from that, I usually react to something that is really bugging me - like when I reacted to a number of "moral puritans" (ie narrow minded fascists) leaving Substack on the basis that the platform was harbouring people with "wrong think".

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ve stumbled into my best content for the most part from early on and when I’ve tried to leverage whatever trend it caught algorithm from, it didn’t have similar results.

Most recently I’ve noticed celebrating a culture/discussing culturally relevant issues has been serving the channel best. My most recent videos were on incredible Irish horror films and how fans are regarding black stories in horror as “propaganda/exploitation.”

So going forward I’ve decided “stand for nothing; fall for anything” is my mood. Don’t be afraid to use your platform for awareness/inclusion.


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