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Content Creators

interesting q, I don’t have a steamdeck so I can’t really comment! What kind of content do you make and on what platform? As the steamdeck is super popular maybe you could attach your content to it somehow?

Horror and Cats's avatar

Horror content of all kinds but predominantly video games as those get the best results.

I’ve considered doing a list feature about deck verified horror games or something and when I HAVE played something on the deck I discuss how it ran and compare visuals, but ultimately it is more effort to incorporate the deck than to just play on the PC/console.


yeah I would definitely go that route try a list of your fav deck verified horror games bet it does well!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I don't use it and never had but then, I'm more old school. But then I never was one for "fancy" stuff when streaming, always seemed like bells and whistles things when for me content is about who you are and the skill with which you play your games.

Boomer's avatar

No doubt they're the cornerstone of content creation, but things like Twitch Plays or Tool-Assisted Speedruns are pretty fun. They're probably not the most relevant examples though! 😝

Sturmer's avatar

Same, do not own one. But it's just a really weak portable gaming laptop in a Nintendo Switch form-factor. There are no exclusive games. While Nintendo Switch offers some wonderful exclusive games, but even then, people use emulators to get 4k and other tech.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I don't like that much to play on a small screen. Might be useful if I was traveling a lot, but definitely not that much when I have access to a PC/laptop most of the time. But I also made my dual PC setup to take some strain off my older PC so got my laptop doing the capturing while I play on the PC and it has improved my stream quality significantly.

I don't think I know any creators capturing from steam deck, so probably the best content you can make is how specific games are running on the steam deck or how enjoyable it is to play on it compared to the big screen.


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