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Horror and Cats's avatar

Frankly, “X” needs to just go away. I disliked Twitter far before Elon bought it. I dislike it much more now.

It will never be a YouTube killer and the attempt at being one is desperate and sad. I live in rural Oregon and my internet is Starlink. It is a spectacular service and Musk’s satellite cellular network progress is super cool and promising, but the man needs to stop with the social media piece of his empire.

Sturmer's avatar

Why do we need X on TV if we have 10h a compilation of funny cats from X on Youtube? =))) IMO it's not about apps, it's about content and user behavior, no one hops on a coach and turns TV to watch 4 min of videos.

Sturmer's avatar

Oh, and form-factor... =)

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Well, I love Twitter personally, watching people fight on there is better than TV programs half the time.

This being said, bring it on, I might even post stuff there :)


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