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Content Creators
Lanah Tyra's avatar

That's interesting, I always tried to keep my description brief thinking no one reads that anyway...

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh it’s not about reading, it’s about SEO lol. I promise if you do a steady stream of consciousness about whatever you’re trying to accomplish, it will boost you views.

YouTube search doesn’t just deal with title, it’s everything you put into text including the description.

That being said, you do have to optimize and make your titles and thumbs attractive for the clicks, but to get your videos popping up on feeds to GET those clicks, you have to get your SEO sorted

Sturmer's avatar

Lanah Tyra Back around 2008, it was common to see webpages ending with a 'wall of text' full of keywords, intended to ensure the page appeared in as many search queries as possible, with phrases like 'Best game to play, top game for 2024, free tips, cheat codes', and so on. However, Google eventually refined their algorithms to counter this practice, leading SEO specialists to start integrating keywords more naturally into sentences. Today's search engine crawlers have significantly evolved in their 'machine vision', processing content in a way that's much closer to human reading. Therefore, each word in your description should reinforce the title and content. Simply adding 5,000 relevant symbols can be counterproductive compared to a succinct, precisely descriptive sentence. SEO is all about finding the right balance – neither too much nor too little. Achieving this equilibrium is key to effective SEO strategy.

Horror and Cats's avatar

For sure, definitely don’t word-salad the description box. But, describing in common-speak what your video is doing helps a ton.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Thank you, it's really good advise, I was just focusing on tagging but I'll work on writing some longer descriptions as well and see how that goes.

Sturmer's avatar

You can call GPTs for aid, just let them scan your video and write a summary with a 100-180 word limit. They are great at such tasks.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I had a suspicion, but was your initial response refined by chat GPT?

Sturmer's avatar

My top SEO tip is to cherish and continually develop your semantic core. Think of it as your overarching strategy: you should consistently adhere to it each time you implement specific tactics, and it's crucial to have a process for evolving the core itself. This approach ensures that your content remains relevant and effective in boosting your SEO performance.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Not going to lie, bud, I know what all those words mean, but I think your message gets lost in the verbosity. If you had to “dumb it down” to one sentence, how would that sentence look?


I really try and focus on getting browse traffic now, it’s way more tricky but if it works it’s really really good. But for SEO I get the keywords I’m after in the title as early as possible and in the tags box get as many long tail keywords in as It can be easier to rank for them as they are not as popular or as competitive.


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