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Sturmer's avatar

How to block channels on a YT?! Been looking for it for a long time for my kids

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh just hit the little ellipses and say "don't recommend this channel" is what I did. Maybe BLOCK was the wrong word to use. If you search the EXACT channel, it will still come up, but otherwise they won't be in search results or on your recommended page.


yeah I massively dislike it also, I’ve seen a few channels in niches I’m tryin to to grow in and it’s completely AI generated voice over over other channels footage And it’s getting 10s of thousands of views which is a shame as it takes away from genuine creators. I would like a YouTube option to remove all AI content from my searches / homepage / suggestions etc

Horror and Cats's avatar

Same. I hate AI voices. I understand some people might have speech ability issues be they confidence or medical, but I just don’t connect with it.

Boomer's avatar

That just presents you with a huge opportunity!

Rather than compete against AI content, differentiate yourself from it.

Do you hate AI-generated content? Ours is Grade A certified human-generated content!

Are those fake AI voices just too lifeless to enjoy? Join us for an authentic chat featuring 100% actual humans.

Konquest's avatar

I wouldn’t worry. Ai can never replace original content or creators. As long as you deliver your best and with persistence the viewers will be able to tell. The YouTubers I follow may not be the best or the most captivating. But at some point I connected with them and it sold me. So every now and then they have bad habits that turn me off it’s minor and I still stick with them 😄

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I don't often say that TikTok does something better, but I think in this case they do. It simply has a switch "AI generated content". Sounds more simple and clear. The one Youtube has is so.... don't know the word but... their description and criteria also fits content which is not AI generated....

Horror and Cats's avatar

I noticed that too. “Altered content” is like, anything. Clever editing could be considered altered. Photoshop too.

Konquest's avatar

I do use Ai too I admit but mostly just for fun or my personal wallpaper. When it comes down to serious things like thumbnails or my own designs I always manually do it with photoshop. I’ve been using photoshop for years. When Ai came out I was like wow. They can really do good pictures. But not on its own, I use it to help with parts of the picture but it cannot do what I do or have that human touch. I think the influx is mostly from YT make money online gurus which I hate. When I was younger I too fell naively into those traps. I’m in my late 30s now and I know better now 😄 for fun videos I’m ok with the ai voice over. But not as a regular thing. Because for a long term thing it will have no connection like you guys said. There is no human touch anymore. They might grow fast and get clicks but once the viewers feel cheated it will backfire.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I have no artistic ability, so making AI assets for a thumbnail is totally something I do. One of my favorites is when I made Jack Krauser with a kitten on his shoulder for my final RE4 Remake let’s play episode haha. But yeah, just a fully fictitious thumb designed to get a click disgusts me.

Konquest's avatar

yeah. I’m ok if the thumbnails relate to the video, No matter how overblown. But if it’s just a clickbait thing then boo 👎🏼 deserves 100 dislikes


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