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Content Creators
TNTpenguin's avatar

I've got a whole list. Most of my "comfort youtuber" comfort me due to watching them for years and years.


Caddicarus is a British Youtuber with over 1 million subs that I've been watching since 2012. He use to make game reviews on whatever interested him while making it extremely entertaining but in 2020 he changed his content, why?

"You know that situation when you've been posting youtube videos for 10 years, and than 8 years on the job you have to end up having to look for other work because even though you have 700,000 subscribers your channel is practically dead so in a last-ditch effort to save it change your entire video style and then accidentally revive your channel with the highest viewing figures it's ever seen in its last 10 years. We've all been there."

So now his content is just the most random topics like rip off Crash Bandicoot merch or PS1 baby games and just "goofs off" dubbed by him and I find it so funny from how stupid it all is.

Scott the Woz

Scott Wozniak is an American Youtuber. Just like Caddicarus, I've been watching scott since his inception in 2016. His videos are similar to Caddicarus with the difference of Scott the Woz episodes are much more informational and the jokes are lot less dumb and some videos include fun skits that play into the main topic like gaming biggest mysteries video having a murder mystery skit.

There is a lot more comfort youtubers to talk about but to keep this short I'll stop.

Makster's avatar

Every now and then I'd think of Caddicarus but then spend around 5 minutes mis-spelling his name until auto-correct leads me to the right channel and then I add a bunch to my 'watch later'. I love his OddWorld series of videos - I love the lore and world of that series but the the gameplay really turned me off it

BeyondBelief's avatar

HatFilms are always my go to creators and have been for as long as I can remember. Whenever I'm having a bad day their wittiness, humour, and general banter always makes me laugh and puts a smile on my face. I also relate to a lot of their jokes and the relation they have with each other is just awesome. I'll watch almost anything with them in and I'll certainly make a effect to go back and watch old videos if I need that extra sunshine in my day. I've been lucky to meet them one or two and they're super genuine. Super underrated, great guys.


For me, bad days can be due to overworking! I work as a counsellor so I spent a lot of my time listening to some really sad and upsetting things and that can sometimes be hard to detach yourself from. The content creator I watch when I need cheering up is Fail Army. They provide the stereotypical content for the internet! Fail Videos! And within them fail videos are also funny cat videos. The perfect combination of people doing stupid things, falling over and cats being funny. How can you still be upset after watching that!

Makster's avatar

Back in my day, those hilarious fail videos was on a TV programme called: You've Been Framed!

My dad submitted a clip my sister and I that was featured on the show. I never asked what he did with the £100 for it being shown but we did end up with a new Hi-Fi shortly after it was broadcast..


I loved that show! Brings back childhood memories for me! My dad also submitted a video and the prize was £250 but we never got shown

Hahah that is incredible! He framed you guys for a new tv

Lanah Tyra's avatar

When I need some cheering up I usually go to my favourite FFXIV content creator, Larryzaur. His 'Basically' videos are iconic and still so much fun to watch. As they were made years ago, they are also a nice reminder of how my favourite jobs used to be in previous expansions, and I often quote lines from them in party chat when something happens... like when I forget to heal... definitely not my fault, Eos (the fairy) is the healer here, not me!

Makster's avatar

I've been giving this some thought over the last few days and it's been a struggle since things have been going well for me (fingers crossed they will continue).

But if I had to pick one content creator it'd be Rooster Teeth (soon to be RIP) but more specifically either Geoff Ramsey or Michael 'Burnie' Burns. And if you had to make me choose between those two it'll be Burnie.

Burnie has been a mainstay in my life from writing and voice acting in Red vs. Blue, to weekly podcasts before he took an extended absence to move his family across the world (during the pandemic no less). Now he is back with his wife Ashley with a daily(!) podcast Morning Somewhere

**What makes him special?**I consider Burnie the quintessential mouthpiece for modern times. He is extremely wise in a landscape full of young and loud content creators but still enjoys the fruits and variety of entertainment. He is also amazingly funny being able to summarise and quip a news story making it easily digestible. I guess it's a little bit of nostalgia as well when it comes to listening to Burnie. I'm able to transport my mind to simpler times of watching RvB at a sleepover, or walking to school with my iPod. It's a combination of following his longstanding career and consistently incredible output that makes me feel at peace whenever I'm able to listen or watch his content

NeoKazuho's avatar

Nessie Judge is known for her bubbly personality and infectious energy. When I need cheering up, watching her videos can be the perfect remedy. Her lively content is often filled with humor, positive vibes, and engaging challenges that can lift my spirits. Whether she's vlogging her daily adventures, sharing fun DIY projects, or trying out trendy TikTok challenges, Nessie has a knack for making everything seem brighter and more enjoyable. Her cheerful demeanor and relatable content can turn even the gloomiest day into a more uplifting experience. So, when I'm feeling down, tuning into Nessie Judge's videos can be like inviting a friend over for a good laugh and some much-needed positivity.


this is linked to another post that asked to analyse a content creator and i am going to pick the same creator. I really love watching REd Letter Media on youtube.

Its just a group of middle aged guys that sit around and part of their channel is dedicated to watching and reviewing terrible movies mainly from the 80's. They go for a particular type of movie where the director and cast have tried and failed and made something hilarious whether its with bad acting and practical effects.

The channel never ceases to cheer me up or provide a good hours of entertainment per episode.

They also discover the occasional real hidden gem of a movie where the car chases, explosions , cheesy dialogue all align to make for a hilarious watch.

And off the back it sift through a lot movies and find you ones you want to watch yourselves.

Makster's avatar

One of the old guard's of YT that haven't imploded on themselves or had a falling out.

I'm glad they're not leaning on their most popular work Mr Plinkett as they'd rather continue their discussion show Half in a Bag which seems like they're having fun discussing a recent movie

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me, it's Viva La Dirt League, from their dungeons & dragons skits, to epic npc man and Ben Vs Rowan, if I am feeling down, they are the channel I head to!

Ford James's avatar

Ha never heard of these folks before but they seem great! Just watched their sketch on what a useless DM looks like and it's bringing back some memories of my first time playing D&D...

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

they are so good, watch allt he videos, you will love it

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Agreed, I watch an awful lot of their shorts

Horror and Cats's avatar

I adore the Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra (OXBoxtra) teams. Specifically when I’m not feeling great, watching old live stream series like their Mario Golf tour tournament.

They are so witty, educated, and have basically perfect chemistry in any combination of the five members. I really can’t help but to smile at their channel crossover streams, even if I don’t care much about the game they are playing.

It turns out Luke Westaway is leaving the channel, but will still be involved from time to time and for certain content types. I’m really looking forward to seeing what he does next.

Ford James's avatar

Huge fan of those folks, I remember way back in the day when they were the Inside Xbox team and their videos would be on the old Xbox 360 dashboard. Those were the days...

Horror and Cats's avatar

Fun fact, Andy Farrant was with Inside Xbox and that’s why when he, Mike Channel and Jane Douglas were brought into Gamer Network, they called themselves “Outside” XBox. They would come to regret the name because it was limiting, hence bringing in Luke and Ellen for Outside Xtra :)

Wadd Enderas's avatar

So I never though I'd be into Reaction videos, but recently JJLA Reacts has become a little guilty pleasure of mine! They're a California based content-creator who is satisfying their curiosity with, and learning about, the UK through various Youtube videos and sharing their experience with us as they go. I enjoy the content they watch (including Map Men and Jay Foreman who I thoroughly enjoy) but find JJLA enhances my watching experience and just generally seems like a nice person.

Sturmer's avatar

On tough days, I immerse myself in the world of fantasy and illusion - movies, anime, and TV shows. There’s something calming about watching characters overcome their challenges, defeat dragons, or journey to distant stars to save humanity. This escapism not only entertains but also seems to help my brain process things in the background.

Often, I find solutions to my own problems after watching a show, even if it's not directly related or overtly inspirational. Netflix is my platform of choice because of its vast and diverse content, which allows me to find exactly what I need to match my mood.

Brother Grimoire's avatar

I watch my buddy Vinnegar_Dooshay

He's an absolute riot to watch and he also has a very unique perspective on things, which can be nice when I want to forget about things and enjoy a stream.

Demonsmustdie's avatar

I have a few content creaters, depending on where i'm looking.

YouTube: Platform32

Tiktok: kittycosplay94


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