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TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Here is my new channel trailer that I made for my twitch channel.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Thank you for making me get off my lazy backside and do some editing practice in Davinci Resolve. Working on a channel overhaul and even though a channel trailer was not on my to do list, when I saw this bounty I thought it is actually a very decent idea for what I have in mind for the future of the channel.

Sturmer's avatar

Thank you for this bounty! It was a great reminder that my YouTube channel, Gaming Extreme, lacked a trailer.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Let's do this!

Go easy! First time making one of these - WARNING: Song profanity

Horror and Cats's avatar

From the bowels of the internet, a man with five cats gets scary with it.

Here is a highlight reel (edited for time Ford James lol) of the gaming moments I think give the best insight to what you would see if you checked out my channel!

Ford James's avatar

Hey Horror and Cats, thanks for submitting to this bounty! I just want to flag that submissions must be a maximum of three minutes long, so to be eligible for this bounty you'll need to trim down your entry.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh wow, okay sorry I didn’t see that

Sinclair's avatar

Hello, Sinclair here. i love doing some crazy yet fun while streaming / making contents with my friends or viewers. i think this kinda sums up how "Chaotic yet Fun" my content were

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

Hello Fras here

I like new games that can play together to create content together, that's what makes me think it's fun to play games like that because it's fun together.

okayameji's avatar

Hallo Ford James, You can call me Meji I like adventure and action game

This is my highlight in game smalland, if you playing this game, lets playing together!! :)


Hello Surveymoon here.

I like playing FPS games and also other challenging games, Because it makes my adrenaline pump


heres a video that i could easily use for my channel and this is just one months worth of streams

Nine's avatar

Hy my Name is Nine

so im playing spiderman latelty , im trying my best to sneeky sneeky but i cant. i think game sneeky sneeky not my game :(

Ford James's avatar

Hey Sinclair, Fras_Shoyo, Nine, Surveymoon, and okayameji, thanks for submitting to this bounty. I'm tagging all of you in this comment just to flag that as it stands, your current submissions would be ineligible for a reward because they don't meet the requirements outlined in the description of the bounty. We're looking for edited highlight reels showcasing a variety of clips as opposed to an unedited clip from a single game. If you'd like to be eligible, please edit your submissions to include a video that meets the brief. 🙏

FrostySomething's avatar

Thank you for this bounty, it’s been something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. Here’s my little montage for the channel. Hope you enjoy 😊

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Thanks, still had this on my todo. This Version 0. I love the soundtrack which was a lucky charme.


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