Come say hi, smallland :)
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Come say hi, smallland :)
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You did better than me. I thought the crafting of workbenches and fireplaces would be under the crafting menu (seems like the most likely place!). Didn't realise you had to equip a hammer ,then right click to get a totally different crafting menu!
Yeh it's an okay game but it needs more tips and such, that was very difficult to work out.
Apparently there used to be a starter zone I am reading since playing, that used to teach you the basics before sending you on your way. The guy at the start even tells you to not forget your training, when there wasn't any. For some reason it's been taken out I gather and probably why we were both so confused! Needs bringing back. Make it a tick box, tutorial yes/no on the options.
Imma work on it more tomorrow and try and figure it out, I do want to get back into streaming so, this may be a good game to do that with
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