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Content Creators

Content Creators
Sturmer's avatar

Are you talking about boosting production value or ideas for the content?

Mark Cantwell's avatar

Both although our key theme is fairly straight forward so improving production value, content labelling, tagging, thumbs and promotion are the main areas we could improve.

Sturmer's avatar

Content labeling, tagging, and thumbnails - personally, I categorize these items under the 'marketing' department, as it's their job to 'sell' your content to the audience.

I split content creation into three phases:

  1. Idea and Story Development: Transforming the initial idea into a compelling story or plot.

  2. Execution: This is where production value kicks in, focusing on two core factors: the quality of the content you capture and how you enhance it through editing (FX, sound design, transitions, timeline).

  3. Distribution and Promotion: How you package your product and promote it to the audience.

When it comes to phase 3, I find the best guidelines are provided by the platform holders themselves. While third-party sources often speculate and guess, the platform owners understand their algorithms and offer recommendations based on their design. My primary source is YouTube Creators.

Makster's avatar

I'm wary about any YT courses that tries to promote these sorta things ever since this video. Like there's an irony behind videos that say 'How to Make a 1,000,000 view video' when the only videos on that channel have max like 10k views

Horror and Cats's avatar

VidIQ is the only one I’ve ever frequented because they come up as a top result when Googling things I am curious about. Really other than searching for specific inquiries, I don’t have anyone I subscribe to/monitor for new tips.

I’m a bit stubborn and suspicious of strangers telling me what’s good for my channel lol

Trizrizzle's avatar

I've found Stream Scheme good for hardware recommendations and also good tips for live streaming ideas and advice.


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