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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Not sure how much it counts as a meme, I don't use these very often, but this is what I usually posted on Discord when they made me raid lead at 9am... which meant I had to be up by 8am... on a WEEKEND. So here, an accurate picture of me before coffee.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Aw got the crooked eyes and everything lol. I had a Mainecoon cat and they are some scruffy looking kids

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Once the Airbnb in London came with a 10 months old Mainecoon, he was so lovely and came to our room whenever we were in to get some playtime. I love them but most likely will never have one as I refuse to pay money for cats when you can just walk in to a shelter and get one from there.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Exactly my sentiment! All five of mine were little strays I found on the street. The mainecoon I had was a senior my partner at the time and I just happened to stumble upon needing some twilight year care. Since I worked from home he was my little office mascot. Hed sleep on my desk for a while work day straight.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I had a senior Himalayan cat I got from shelter back in Hungary, had her for 2 years. She just slept on my bed, and when woke up came for brushing, purred, then went back to sleep. People who abandon elderly cats because they need a bit more care, I hope there is a special kind of hell for them.


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