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Horror and Cats's avatar

This is adorable, hilarious, and really well done! Great idea, dude

Dave's avatar

Thanks, that means a lot. It’s just going to be a bit of fun really on this and across the socials (all in cat character), when everything is so serous these days.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Yeah, these are the days where we all need as much "cute" in our lives as possible. Let me know if you get to a point where you want contributors. I can definitely write from the perspective of a cat haha. I could be your horror correspondent.

Paw-rror Correspondent?

Horror Purr-espondent?

Dave's avatar

Yeah might do at some point in the future so will keep it I mind, thanks.

I do have quite a lot of ideas around the concept & where I could take it in terms of content & formats, but decided to keep it simple and focussed for now.

Makster's avatar

What's up with the AI generated images?

Dave's avatar

Nothing, that’s part of the concept of it being absurd, transformative fair use parody. That said I might use adobe firefly/photoshop generative fill going forward for additional reassurance, given their clear training data policies.


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