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Content Creators
Kings Court's avatar

Hey there ! I would say its possible for you to do both in a certain respect.

You can play FF whilst on stream and this will allow you create content that can be used to for Youtube at a later date, or even posting the live content up as well as using it for content.
There is also the opportunity for you to edit whilst streaming, multi tasking it, if you will.
This should have the effect of showing people how you edit, answering questions and providing the community with something valuable and also whilst you are editing you can promote your channel where the content will be posted.

Affiliate-ship on Twitch is fine, having subs and emotes are great, but the amount that Twitch takes from that and then couple that with the pushing of tons of ads, its starting to become less favourable to the streamer as time goes on, if this is a thing you would like to achieve, by all means push through and get it done, I believe you can do it, but hitting affiliate wont mean there will be a new found success or more views, it just means monetisation and customisation, more than anything else.

These are just my thoughts, its not gospel, I hope any of this helps.


Lanah Tyra's avatar

The type of content I'm doing doesn't quite work like that. I tried using my streams for video material and it always ended up not being what I needed so had to go an get extra footage anyway.

Streaming my editing is not something I want to do, for multiple reasons, but mostly because like I said my free time I can spend on making content is very limited. I can edit 30 mins here or a hour there, completely random, and not something long enough or worth streaming. Also often while I edit I don't have the quiet in the room what I would need for streaming. And I can't focus on editing if I then also have to speak to a chat.

I have some clips from my streams but even to get around to edit and upload them is challenging. So I feel like those 2 hrs I spend on stream often just for 0 viewers with no interaction could be better spent on editing and getting specific footage what I need for my Youtube videos, which is easier done when I can focus on that one task and not having to switch into entertainer mode as well.

So it all comes down to free time in the end, which I have enough of maybe to do 10% of all the things I would like to do. And I need to be very specific on what I'm spending that time on.


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