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Sturmer's avatar
  1. OKR nope, but utilized Trello for a similar purpose.

  2. Instead of migration, just started a new project. Managed to fix main issues on other projects while keeping the old framework.

  3. The recovery was only partial.

FUN INC's avatar

4/5 aint bad right? - massively short on the 3k followers still as only 1.6K ... but I am not doing it for follows, i am doing it for budding Fleet Commaders and FCs - so that people who want a glimpse into FCing in EVE online then they can do so at my stream!


wow this was good to reflect on, so what happened in 2024 with regards to hitting these goals i had set out...

  1. nope, pretty much not focused on this channel much at all due to big life events taking up a lot of time.

  2. Yes, focused on this channel primarily due to constrained time available and hit this goal although i did not reach the views number in the timeline detailed I was a few months down the road but ill take it.

  3. Again due to time constraints did not hit this target.

PS really hope we do this gain for 2025 because I am going to boss it and i hope you are too.

Lanah Tyra's avatar
  • Setting a schedule and using a content management tool: sort of nailed it down by the end of the year with some ups and downs on the way. Got a manageable schedule for my stream and finally I also started to schedule in screenshots to X/Bluesky/IG

  • Setup multi streaming yes, though I dropped Kick as it's not worth my attention. Still not good with uploading my clips after streams.

  • Tried variety and failed at it, I don't have enough time to make content on more than one game

  • Twitch Affiliate by Dawntrail release? Let's just reply to this with one of my favourite FF7 quotes: unattainable dreams are the best.... (Affiliate is probably not something I can realistically reach)

  • Weekly videos leading up to Dawntrail? Yeah, didn't happen due to lack of time

  • Reviving my raiding discord didn't happen not just due to lack of content, but I'm actually thinking to shut it down as I have to face it that even if we get new content, I'll be the only one doing any organising, and that was the main reason why I stopped doing stuff.

I wouldn't say it was a successful year, rather it was eye opening as to what type of content and platforms are realistic for me. And it keeps me thinking if I want to carry on with them at all.


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