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Dave's avatar

Played around with this podcast feature before & it’s very impressive, especially for free. Would be good if it let you use your own voices via api from eleven labs for example or provide a list of their own with some regionalisation & accents.

Sturmer's avatar

I think training one's own AI is an upcoming feature, both voice mimic and style/fav phrases

Makster's avatar

The podcast feature/ summary is pretty revolutionary but its still in its infancy.
Once you do a few podcast summaries you can find where they are copy+pasting/ using the same phrases to link topics together. + the mysterious third voice that sometimes add in their comment.

It's still better than 90% of amateur podcasts though as the AI hosts at least have that chemistry with each other

Sturmer's avatar

Yea, you can slightly manipulate the text, as in my sample its a pure facts conversion into an interview. But you can actually upload an interview and neglect those copy-paste connectors as there is no room for them.

The feature still looks great, especially for people like me, who are unable to talk


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