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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Had a look at the brands and it's an absolutely no for me. Most of them I haven't even heard of and the few which I know I'm either not visiting often enough or at all, not having a good opinion about them or they don't fit into my content. I think this is more for those life-style influencer people who constantly post about workouts and food.

Horror and Cats's avatar

IDK I think you could do very well with Finhuel Fandirtea content

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I don't know what that is? XD

I love it when I get these spam Instagram messages with brands trying to get me to advertise their stuff. Last one was about pet accessories and how cute they would look on my good boi.

Good boi? You mean.... Bahamut? Good luck trying to put a collar on him lol

Horror and Cats's avatar

I was just punning on the brands in the post image, Huel and Dirtea haha.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Sounds better than it probably is.

Rupert's avatar

Thanks for the heads up! It's interesting to see how it's evolving.

Would love to know how the algorithm works! :)

Makster's avatar

My social posts aren’t really for sale as they’re more personal than trying to monetise it. It’s something I’m not really comfortable with

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Let me break this down

  1. They partner with brands for public showing

  2. They ask people to post knowing thousands will flock

  3. 5-10 people get picked for rewards

  4. They make a ton of money

You recently posted about Honey and them using people to make money and paying little out, what do you think this is? it's exactly the same.


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