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Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma
Dave's avatar

Not the sole reason of course but the timing is very good. I always think more companies should go for releases in late Q1 and early Q2 when peoples attention is less spread out around the big hitter names and spending that happens in Q3/4. Very good games have been lost in the noise around that time of year, there is only so much time, attention and money to go around.

Although not really the same thing, it is also probably tapping into the marketing and buzz of the Elden Ring dlc as this looks similar in a way in terms of big enemies and the general look and atmosphere of it in some footage. That and off the success of Balders gate 3 in terms of the single player squad and this has the pawn squad system, also what looks like a wide range of character build/skill options.

It's also a single player RPG which people are keen to support if they are good v live service games. I suspect its going to get a lot of goodwill and praise for the experience you get for your money and that (lets hope) it's in a good finished state.


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