"Wolves hunt in packs!" "Soaked to the bone!" "Goblins ill like fire!" "Sever the tail!"
Occasionally helpful, often irritating, but ultimately endearing, the repetitive chirruping of your pawns in the original Dragon's Dogma became the stuff of memes. So much so, in fact, that despite the constant complaints many fans mourned when Capcom said the repetitiveness will be dialed down for the sequel.
In case the devs fancy recording a few last-minute additions, we thought it might be fun to give them a hand and ask you all for some brand-new, one-sentence bits of advice. If you've not played Dragon's Dogma, imagine what an eager-to-please AI companion might say to 'help' an adventurer in any other fantasy RPG, or just to comment on how things are going. Bonus points if it's earnest, slightly obvious, and would get really annoying after the hundredth repetition.
Lots of prizes on offer here, so don't be shy! The best 30 submissions get $1 each.
Task: Give us some new one-sentence voice lines for pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2
Format: Written
How to submit a written entry:
Hit the 'submit to this bounty' button just below this description - do not use the reply button unless you just want to comment on the thread, as replies will not be counted as entries!
Add a written response and feel free to include images.
Once the deadline closes, we’ll pick 30 submissions, award $1 to each of the winners, and may share them as curated content.
Disclaimer: Geographical and age restrictions apply. Please see our Terms of Use for more information on how bounties are created and rewarded on Just About. One reward available per member.
Take care not to breach copyright. Check our copyright policy before submitting.
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Considering using AI to help? Think twice and first see our approach to AI content on Just About.
Image credit: Capcom
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