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Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma

I've got this on PS5 so I don't have the same performance issues that some folks seem to have, albeit not as good graphics but that's the console vs PC debate for another day.

I love the character customisation options which give the opportunity to really fine tune your Arisen to your playstyle. The world is vast and dense and it's really easy to get sidetracked. While the campaign may be x number of hours there's so much exploration to do, that's clearly barely the surface of the game itself.

I haven't had a huge amount of time to sink my teeth into it all fully yet but the boss fights are clearly the standout part of this game. Can't wait to get many more hours playtime into it!

Konquest's avatar

As someone who never played the first game I walking into the game blind. The first hour was a bit disappointing because it didn’t really feel free. Yes you can go anywhere you want but it feels linear. After a couple of hours I’m starting to get used to it, you can go where you want but expect to jump glitch or defy gravity like Horses in Skyrim. I’ve been playing for about 60 hours now and I love it, here are some things I faced.

•Oxcart was destroyed and driver killed when I encountered double cyclopses.

•Tutorial wasn’t clear. I didn’t hire pawns until I reached the dessert

Things I wish for:

•Standard save game feature instead of 1 save

•Multiple things to cook instead of just fish, e.g. Fish and Vegetables

•Horse or Griffin Taxi or self driven

Sturmer's avatar

what kind of armor is that?!

Sturmer's avatar

After spending about 15 hours in the game, it seems I've just begun exploring the main quest! I’ve reached the large city and completed a few quests.

The Downsides

  • Graphic Optimization: On my RTX3070 and i7 12th gen laptop, even with minimal settings and everything off, the game struggles, offering only 20-25 fps.

  • UI and UX: The inventory management, crucial to the game, feels unwieldy. It comes across as a poorly executed console port, lacking intuitive design.

  • World Design: The game world feels restricted, resembling narrow corridors rather than an open space. There's a noticeable lack of interaction with the environment and no room for climbing or shortcuts. In my terms It's not an open world.

The Upsides

  • Exploration Rewards: Despite the linear world design, exploring these 'corridors' proves rewarding, as every dead-end offers some form of treasure.

  • Pawn System: This feature is both innovative and engaging, offering a unique mechanic that I hope to see in future games, it could be a game-changer for games like BG3.

  • Vocation System: An excellent evolution from Dragon's Dogma 1. It offers diverse gameplay styles and the flexibility to change vocations, providing a constantly engaging experience. I’m curious to see how far the build experimentation can go as I gather more resources.

MikeCatDaddy's avatar

I have been loving the world, it has actually taken me away from Final Fantasy Rebirth.

Dave's avatar

First 90 minutes or so I did not like it, first impressions were the graphics and animation look terrible in some places even on max settings and then decent in others at times, controls and all the menus were hard to get to grips with. But wow does it get good once the controls and various systems click! Try not to be put off by the optional micro transactions and performance issues. It does hammer the cpu due to all the real time unscripted decisioning being calculated and playing out, but it's really not too bad outside of the cities/towns in the bulk of the game. I can see I'm going to really like this now I can look past the issues, with the game in full flow. It would be a shame for people to pass on it

Some highlights so far.

Chaotic, unscripted scenes playing out just travelling from A to B across the map a little after completing a quest:

The taste of the big boss battles to come with this first encounter with a cyclops on the way to the city:

Had some amazing emergent gameplay moments and somehow I've done nearly 6 hours on my first day on it. Hard to out down once it gets going!


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