Not for nothing was the original Dragon's Dogma often described as 'quirky'. You could grab things with one button press, right, and throw them with another. Handy for chucking stuff like oil pots at monsters. You could also toss NPCs, including the earnest-yet-annoying AI companions called pawns, leading to endless fun of the kind that, we must stress, can only be safely enjoyed within video games.
Inevitably and necessarily, that ability is back in Dragon's Dogma 2. And so, in another partner bounty with streamer Platform32, we want to see your very best efforts in the time-honoured sport of pawn tossing (not that kind; stop it immediately). Record your clips and submit the best here, remembering to verify your submission using the instructions below! Submissions will be judged for distance and style, and the ten best will get $5 apiece.
If you'd rather injure yourself rather than your lovely pawns, check out Platform32's other guest bounty: swan dives!
This bounty is open to everyone, but Platform32 will be having a go live on stream on Saturday, March 23, from 18:00 to 20:00 GMT. You can tune in via Platform 32's YouTube channel, and give them a follow on Twitter (X) for great gaming interviews, news, previews, and reviews.
already paid
$25 / 50
This reward closed to entries at 10:45am on April 4, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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