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Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma
Platform32's avatar

I have a tips video on Eurogamer now for beginners which may help you a bit - the crocodile things have a big weakness - attack them from behind to cut off their tails and they'll become super weak! I show you how to do it near the end of the vid :)

Dave's avatar

Chopping the tail off has made it a lot easier. Also after watching the stream I didn't realise extra hired pawns don't level so I've swapped them for some better ones. Also realised I was still wearing my starter rags and weapons. Bought and upgraded new ones.

Game is quite easy! Lol

Boomer's avatar

That's good to know! I bet I'd have made it to the end of the game before realising I was still wearing the starter rags 😂

Sturmer's avatar

Currently, I have issues only with performance. My RTX3070 and i7 12th gen not pulling it out, the game is terribly blurry and laggy. I'm playing with a settings still

After Nightingale's graphics now I'm not sure who is a 30$ early access lol

Dave's avatar

The blur is odd. I've noticed when the camera is static there is a kind of cross stitch mesh in certain textures as well, like some people's faces , brick walls, fabric. If you move the camera even as slow as possible, it goes away, then it's back the second the camera is static again. I have motion blur off (supposedly so it's not that masking it).Mine was very blurry with dlss on, looked like it wasnt even working, it's a lot better in native res but even then I'm not convinced all elements are rendering at the chosen res as they don't look right. I've noticed some other settings don't work as well, I have depth of field off, but it's clearly still on.

Dave's avatar

Once you get settled into the game you can look past it and get sucked into the gameplay. It's very off-putting to begin with though.


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