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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Osiliran's avatar

I was plundering the guardian ruins and got tired of those pesky sentinels shooting me. I unleashed the secret hardpoint on the SRV.

XCezor's avatar

Alliance Chieftain vs. Thargoid Cyclops
I never was very good at Anti-Xeno combat but I know how to get into it. Cyclop isn't really hard Interceptor to kill, yet can still be challenging for the new players, especially without proper equipment.

In this video I show not only the battle, but also tell how to prepare very basic setup to start the alien hunter career.

Guardian Gauss Cannon requirements:

List of the Guardian Structures:

If you are looking for more knowledge about this activity, one of the best places for that is the Anti-Xeno Initiative squadron and their website:

mastercesspit's avatar

I was out bounty hunting in hazres when i spotted the first elite, just as he died i spotted an imperial clipper and wham bam thank you very much, another elite. :)

mastercesspit's avatar

Alex Sinclair can't get you tube link to stick again, still says submission must contain vid even though the vid is published.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi mastercesspit - sorry to hear that and thanks for reporting it. I've flagged this with our tech team. It'd help them to know what device (desktop, mobile, etc) and system (Windows, Apple, etc) you're using. So far, we've tried to replicate your bug with no success. Have you ever used Loom before? It's a screen-recording tool that you could use to show us the steps you're taking to enter the bounty.

If you're prevented from entering bounties before we have a resolution, please use the 'reply' function and let us know - just like you have here. o7

mastercesspit's avatar

thanks, i think it was you tube, i'll wait a couple hours after publishing before submitting links in future. 07

Annette's avatar

Hey, mastercesspit 👋

I just added a spot for a Loom link in the bug reporting tool. You don't need to enter anything into the rest of the form if you don't feel like it—we'll recognise your display name on this side—but if you could send us a video of what's goin' on with that issue you're experiencing, it would be immensely helpful to help us disentangle it 🙇

Thanks! Crossing fingers 😄

mastercesspit's avatar

hi, i waited a couple hours, and it worked fine, i think youtube was still processing, i had just published the vid and got a link, probably youtube was still running it's checks for copyright and such, if i have a problem again, i'll let you know, and do the screen capture for you, 07

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

Someone reported my kill of the week as cyber bullying. I appealed - but youtube deleted my whole Elite Dangerous channel because of it... kinda sad to see years of video game videos deleted without any sort of checks or appeal.

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

it's usually the same 13-15 people that have been a problem for most players not just me

I have soaked up a lot of their wrath the last 6 years... nothing new


How tf can it be cyber bullying in a game that allows "killing", especially with a) things like a super power gameplay, and b) a limited number of players so that you most certainly run into the same ones over and over because time zone?

I don't remember your video excactly, but it was not ganking (killing just for the kill)), was it?

Hey, Youtube, I always get killed by the same guy in PUBG, so please delete this person's account! (?!?)

And please don't give them the chance to state their case, it's EULA and not a court of law...

mastercesspit's avatar

that's sad, was it consensual pvp? that's the danger with non consensual pvp, it could be regarded as cyberbullying, i have nothing against consensual pvp, but griefers deserve what happens, players have the right to play unmolested by opportunists, if you're going to create content, then you should ensure it's morally and ethically right,

having said that, i constantly have my carrier name censored by complainers who've attacked my allies bgs and had their bgs utterly destroyed when the carrier appeared in their system, so it's a bit of a dilemma, there are many bad losers.

i'm sure you weren't griefing, probably a squadron war or something, but to publish any footage of another player being killed from that would be grounds for cyber bullying accusations under the laws of most developed countries.

sorry to hear about your channel, that's just sad.

something to think about, 07

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

It was someone that attacked me first, I was in AXI viper mk3 they were in python pvp build.

They were mad I beat them... but first they told another player they would 'kill me in real life'. I made note of the timestamp UTC, in case it came up to FDEV. They were a person that identified themselves to me in real life, as a Thomas Trono. (CMDR Half-lock) They had falsely reported me for having classified documents about five years ago, causing some issues with my work and real life, and then they took money from some unknown party to investigate me also in real-life, however they were made after a couple years of not finding anything illegal in my life and told me so. They felt it was my fault that they wasted their life on a bogus investigation that they said they were paid for.

What can I say... this game is very immersive.

Also, Galnet Digest on youtube had a bunch of people flag my comment about Salvation's actions and words as being opposite and they should look into that further. It's been a mess. Lot of haters, especially if you have (had) a lot of cool discoveries and videos as I did.

XCezor's avatar

Ganking in general might be very dangerous for both players when they are in different squadrons. In our squadron history we had some wars with other players, and one war almost happened because of the ganker that was continuously attacking our squadron members. It was bad for us, because we got frustrated, and bad for the second squadron, because they weren't looking for any trouble. In the result of diplomatic discussion, that ganker was kicked and banned from both servers (our and their).

I do understand this game allows PvP and has tools for that (interdictor) but it doesn't mean you can just kill others for the sake of showing others you are better than them (especially attacking trading ships), technically not getting anything from that besides own horrible satisfaction.


Low level bounty decides to ram me rather than fight! My ship is stronger...

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I keep fight the enemy until my ship get almost destroyed. The humanity must prevail!


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