We loved your entries to our exploration photo-essay reward, like this one, and so we're asking you to create new ones, this time on piracy! Please read this guidance carefully:
What is a photoessay? A photoessay combines a series of themed images with a couple of sentences of text accompanying each photo. Together, the photos and text should tell a non-fiction story exploring a topic, in this case: something related to piracy, such as 'the life of a lone pirate on the outskirts of the Bubble'. Could you imagine your photo-essay being shared in the future-equivalent of the New York Times? Then you're probably onto a winner. Be sure to give your photo-essay a title.
We recommend between five and 15 images. All images must be verified via social media. In fact, while not essential, we recommend you create the entire photo-essay on social media. If you were using Twitter (X), for example, you could create a thread of tweets, each containing one image and the accompanying text.
This is a tiered reward, offering 20 $10 rewards as well as a $50, $30, and $20 reward for the best photoessays.
Image credit: Frontier Developments and Moonshade Gaming, as seen in our Elite Dangerous landed ship screenshots gallery
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