Trailblazers has landed! To celebrate, we're launching four colonisation-centric ED rewards. This is the first of them! To win one of our 15 $20 prizes, we want you to make a video guide explaining how to colonise in Elite Dangerous. We imagine the best way to go about this in order to maximise your video views is to create a 'how to get started in colonisation' guide, complete with a video walkthrough of the process's key elements.
That said, you might want to consider other angles to distinguish your video from other creators' videos, ideas include: 'ten top tips for colonisation in Elite Dangerous' or 'How to master colonisation, fast'. You're the experts so we'll leave the details up to you. We're looking for videos that are high quality and at least five minutes long.
Image credit: Frontier Developments and Eskimo1313, as seen in our gallery of Elite Dangerous nebulae screenshots
already paid
$40 / 300
Created at . Page last updated at .
Deadline at .