Looks can't kill, but a good-looking weapon can. We're challenging you to design a brand-new weapon fit for you to wield in Empyreal, the innovative new sci-fi/fantasy RPG from Silent Games. Empyreal has a demo that's live now and free for you to download.
Here are the rules:
You must design an original new weapon that looks like it belongs in the colourful world of Empyreal. It must therefore fit one of Empyreal's three weapon archetypes: the glaive, the cannon, and the mace-and-shield, and it must look extraordinary - generic glaives won't cut it! Other than that, you can let your imagination run wild.
Whether you've made a digital illustation, a lovely hand-drawn sketch, or a 3D model in Blender, you may enter with any combination of images or videos showing us your design.
Generative AI is strictly forbidden. In order to guard against AI entries, you must include an image of your design during its creation alongside your finished submission.
Submit your design via connected social media. We encourage you to tag us, Secret Mode, and include #Empyreal. Who knows, maybe the devs will be inspired by your creation?
This is a time-limited podium reward with large prizes for the first, second, and third-place winners. We reserve the right to reject entries that don't hit a certain quality bar even if we don't get enough for all prizes, so take your time, play the demo to get a feel for the world and to understand its style, and create the coolest, most Empyrealistic design you can. Include some details - ideally in the design itself - that make clear what makes your weapon unique.
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