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EVE Online
Alex Sinclair's avatar

I said I was looking forward to your submission on this and I was not disappointed! Are you able to edit your submission and click-to-expand so that it can be viewed on JA? If you could also lay out your photo-essay on here it would be even better (although not doing so certainly won't disqualify you).

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Thank you so much. Does that look good now?

Melicien Tetro's avatar

In lieu of risking breaking my current submission, I also submitted a reply that's HOPEFULLY what you're looking for.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's exactly what I was hoping for and thanks very much for laying it out in the reply too!

Brother Grimoire's avatar

Packing the piratical essentials for a hunt!

"Don't look now, but there's a cop behind us"

"How do you do, fellow miner?"

"We've found B O O T Y, mateys!"

"Roll out the cannons! Prepare your pistols and steel!"

"We've keelhauled the filthy landlubbers! Let Jones have them in the deep!""

"Officer, I just got here, I swear"

A pirate and his plunder :)

Brother Grimoire's avatar

I paid good money for that cutlass. I'm using it every chance I get!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is ace. I for one believe bonus points should be awarded for the cutlass.

Brother Grimoire's avatar

I swear, the beach ball is pirate-y too!

That's actually a trophy from seeing Muscial Blades live at my local Ren Faire. It's signed by all the members and is actually one of my favorite things on the knickknack shelf

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I'm also a big advocate of the knickknack shelf!

Melicien Tetro's avatar

What does "A Pirate's Life" mean to me?

Am I even a pirate anymore? Sometimes I wonder.

Am I roleplaying a revolutionary leader with larger goals?

Have I just gone totally carebear? Am I just making appearances?

It can be easy to feel that way. Even though we're brutal Triglavian Invaders, the infancy of our alliance is a lot of insulated krabbing.

Setting up cute little homes for my friends and painting them cute colors doesn't feel very pirate....

but without our cute little cradle, we wouldn't have been able to grow up strong enough to be a threat.

My little killers are getting so big, and I'm so proud of the blood they spill, but I thought it wasn't for me anymore

I encourage them to take ransoms and spoils, but I thought I was over it.

Now that I'm starting to get back out there more, I realize that

I've still "got that dog in me."

Am I grabbing a few kills in my retirement,

or a sleeping dragon waiting for later? Who knows?

What I do know is this

A Pirate's Life means keeping me crew happy, at other's expense if need be.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

@ANTIJHINN I'm hesitant to ask more of you, but it looks like some of your file sizes are too large on these images. Only four of them are showing up for us. If you have them in JPG, they should display.

Brother Grimoire's avatar

What is the max image size that JA accepts?

That may help us determine if we need to alter photos in the future

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Apparently you can alter the dimensions from the post after uploading pretty easily. Knowing the max image size would help a lottt. :D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Brother Grimoire Melicien Tetro The larger images not displaying is something that's on our tech team's radar, so hopefully it won't be an issue for long. If it looks like we need to permanently cap image sizes, I'll work out the maximum size and get back to you. In the meantime, any JPGs should be fine (I'll add a note on any upcoming image-based bounties until it's resolved).

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Okay, instead of reuploading or resizing the images, when editing the post I was allowed to rescale the images very easily. Hopefully that worked. :D

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Somehow you need to make the ISK to battle it out. Why not killing other Pirates? The Thing is... you need to zoom much in for photos but you wouldn´t play like it :P

Home Sweet Home, or as a german would say "Lebensmittelpunkt" which means "Food-Mid-Point" from here i terrorize the Guristas Pirates "Faction".

Since they smuggle stuff and they use "smuggler" Warpgates to get easy from A to B. Would be a pity if somebody would wait here... Note: No Extra Loot, no Smuggle no nothing just "Lore"

Just to get you the size....the thing is huge compared to my cruiser.

Looks like somebody isn´t amused about my visit.

Looks like somebody is still not amused and explodes in anger?

Blub another one bites the dust.

This the one momment they touch you little harder. Just grab them gently back and show them who rules this smuggler gate now.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Love the images, thanks for submitting and tagging us on Insta Kane Carnifex . Any chance that you could also lay out your images on your JA post with a sentence or two to give them each context? The winners of this bounty will be those that can combine images and text to tell an engaging story.

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