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EVE Online

EVE Online
Melicien Tetro's avatar

A little old, but a good one. Such a clean ESS run, FC was perfect. "We are running, we are running."

Kane Carnifex's avatar - PVP&PVE (a cool kill video) NPC Sotiyo, with some sneaky contesting. Starring a lot of Diamond Gurista Rats, GTC Ratting Fleet and some Cable.

Swagger Olacar's avatar

Noraus, current leader of Fraternity Alliance demands reparations form B0SS Alliance....but we will not submit >:v

Schadsquatch's avatar

I'm going to post the same video I did earlier about solo killing the Sabre in my Battle Heron.

I am a very proud Heron daddy :)

I'll even share me the after math of a salty Russian miner after I slow boated up to him in the Heron and sent him crying.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Awesome videos. I'm glad the Heron vs Sabre video is getting another shot at a bounty. Have you connected your TikTok account? It would be great if we could see them verified, embedded and enlarged here.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Can i double check the definition of a Shortform video on some of these bounties? Is it < 1 minute like a YT short or more flexibility than that?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Wadd Enderas - a little more flexible than that. Anything from ten seconds to three minutes would be great. But if you're another 30 seconds or so over, we're not going to disqualify you.


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