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Brother Grimoire's avatar

Let's talk about MILINT ARC TROOPER for CSM

The self proclaimed "Mad Scientist" has had a following on reddit for a while now, of which I find myself a part. I'm a simple man; I see a MILINT post, I upvote a MILINT post. He can be found posting absurd fits that leave people wondering why, when they should be wondering "why does this work?".

His platform highlights a lot of specific things he would like to use his voice as a CSM to advocate for.

My personal favorites include:

  1. Fully testing changes. As MILINT has shown via many examples, there are a lot of things that don't get touched when updates happen. This can have unintended negative side effects which poorly impact the game.

  2. Triglavian hauling ships

  3. Dynamic Cargo Holds - Think T3C. Different rigs could add different holds or add different bonuses to improve the quality of life for space truckers

  4. More compression - MILINT believes that compression is the future in making mining less of a headache for players.

More than just those items, he has a litany of ideas and even subdivides them into difficulties to implement. He has clearly put a lot of thought into these changes.

I think he's a great candidate!

Melicien Tetro's avatar

I love Milint. A walking psyop, incredibly intelligent, and a conniseaur of mecha media.

Ben Rush's avatar

Hey, bud!

Guess what, eh? The Canuck Capsuleers Chronicles, now boot-scootin' away from the ol' Beaver Show, is mixin' up something real special. We're cookin' up interviews with those fine candidates, you know, the ones brave enough to dive into the space rodeo!

Stay tuned, 'cause we're bringin' you the scoop that's hotter than a fresh poutine. Don't miss out, eh? Subscribe and let's have ourselves a hootin', tootin' time, spaceman style!

Mark Ressurectus :

Mark Resurrectus :

Mike Azariah :

Kshal Aideron :

We also got other lined up next week end ;)

Enjoy eh!

orik Kado's avatar

The upcoming CSM election is approaching, and like many of us, sometimes we feel overwhelmed when choosing the best talents of the game from the list of 50 candidates. I don't intend to influence your vote—I always recommend voting for candidates who fit your profile. However, I will share with you my top 5 favorites for this new election:

The Oz: Well, I think many are familiar with him. For those who aren't, Oz is a genius in everything related to the economy. He has demonstrated with countless examples how to trade, understand the game from an economic perspective, and of course, how to make a lot of ISK in the process. I consider all these qualities important to be represented in this new CSM. A healthy economy makes the game more enjoyable for everyone, and who better than Oz to provide his insights and help maintain the balance.

Yondu Quill: An experienced player and an ambitious industrialist. He has interesting proposals, although they might seem a bit outlandish. I believe the first step is to plant a crazy idea. After that, the work of the CSM and CCP is to figure out how to turn it into something more realistic and still fun for both new and veteran players.

Lee Adoulin: Another player who loves industry. However, his proposals seem a bit more focused and feasible. He aims to enhance players' experience in terms of industry, mining, and transportation. Naturally, there are areas for improvement, but I believe his ideas are on the right track.

Stitch Kaneland: A skilled PVP player. While PVP isn't my forte, I think his proposals to balance ships a bit more and make fights a bit more exciting and, why not, perhaps a bit fairer, are very interesting. I believe his suggestions have a lot of potential.

Gustav Mannfred: His proposals for module balance, abyssal spaces, and Mutaplasmids are interesting and, in my opinion, necessary. Undoubtedly, his experience can help guide these changes to continue preserving the ecosystem's balance.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

IMHO, no facts just the fog which is always around it.

There is an ongoing issue with leaking information out of the CSM Circle. The other issue is which big alliances advice their Members how to vote...and with ~40k Members its look kind of easy or? Who is best example for this Goons... but everybody does it. So who am I to complain.

In Germany we say "Ein Schelm wer böses denkt" but since there always bunch of goon realted peeps in the CSM... proof me wrong :)

But if you start searching on the best subreddit in the world something seems odd.

TTT Leak (Argument against bloc candidates)

Now there's been a lot of chatter about Vily calling emergency meeting to drop sotiyos only a few days before the ban became public and demanding immediate agreement so he could drop these XL structures.

German: "Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn"

But all the Darksides also have a bright funny one: CSM 2021 rented a boat and it started leaking :P

And ofc we have our good eveonion:

If you consider to vote, step aside from the big power blocs and choose candidate which is matching your current playstyle and maybe has a nice charakter or so. Like some people you like by "Bauchgefühl" other not...!

Where is the "Wahl-o-Mat" for CSM? You get bunch of questions and in the end you get kind of result which matches you candiate. Didn´t we had this in the past? Ah, yes, we swapped over to the forum. So you need to read that manually, by yourself, alone at home, in the dark.

Happy voting and good luck for the CSM, the burden is real.

Melicien Tetro's avatar

I'm a little biased since I am one, but here we go. I'm gonna give my choice for the candidate that I think best reflects the current understanding and connection ability required to refine what people think Pochven should be. Seal of approval of the locals.

Gabriell Bemenacth


Svarog Liberi

6/7 year old player. Main experiences primairily are, but arent limited to, all Pochven content (Pochven based), Blopsing and cap hunting, small to mid sized fleet engagements and small gang/solo pvp. My primairy focus is Pochven related content and it's cross-over with New Eden at large.

Gab is the ■■■■■■■ man. I noticed him organically when starting to get back into pochven after some absence. When I say “noticed him organically” I mean take a krai svarog to pochven looking for pvp and Svarog Liberii WILL be on your radar. He walks a perfect line between gatekeeper of the old ways and super inclusive curator. It doesn’t matter how bad you suck right now, if you come with a drive to succeed in the region and a can do attitude, he’ll take you from ship spinning in fear to ranked killer real quick. I’m a Pochven candidate, but he’s THE PVP candidate for sure, and I have total trust in him curating the health of the smoll gang dream I fought in The Invasion for.

Here's my shameful self-promotion

working on my 20th year and still loving it. I'm promoting myself as a Trig/RP/New Player candidate.

Here's some quotes from my thread. :3

Cairo Dog - "I’ve been flying under Mel for 6 months (after like an 8 year break) so perhaps there’s a little bit of bias here but it seems rare to find someone that’s been playing the game for so long yet still has such a passion for it and the others that play it, managing to resist the allure of blaming/bashing CCP for every decision they make. He has lead me on more varied/interesting gameplay than most of what I’d seen before in my previous times playing the game, and the environment he promotes in corp is so friendly and postive and I’ve met a bunch of new folk that I’m happy to call friends. His investment into Pochven and the people that live their is genuine as is his wish to see the region improve with better content and a better environment to enable people to thrive.

As I said, biased, but I believe he will bring Zorya to speak with us again."

Gabriell Bemnacth - "Mel is passionate, optimistic and dedicated to everything triglavian. I’ve collaborated with him for a while now, and appreciate his dedication to his friends, copilots and enemies. He works hard for others and I’d feel comfortable having him represent the region and its interests.

Even the leader of Edencom had nice things to say

Prospektor Schipplock - "Well, as the Alliance Leader of the EDENCOM Defensive Initiative, I can only speak for you to vote for him. You have someone who fights for Pochven, and also supports the further development in cooperation with EDENCOM, even if that sounds a bit strange now.

Azdaja Clade is the only clade that has aspirations to deal with EDENCOM - and so we do.

When I ran for CSM 15, that was also my ambition, that something progress happens here, and I give this now into his hands."

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Feel free to promote your own campaign too! And good luck!

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Fiiiiine, I'll edit myself in as well. Thank you! :3

EVEIL's avatar

With 50 candidates to choose from, everyone will have at least some aspect of their gameplay represented in this years pool of CSM hopefuls. The big question is who to vote for? After reading through the roster and their pitches, here are some of my thoughts.

Amelia Duskspace

"Experienced YT Creator, 2x AT Champ, Skilled FC in Mid-Scale & Small-Gang. Expert in WH,NS, and Pochven. Running for CSM to reshape Risk vs Reward, drive CCP innovation via dynamic updates, and balance large group projection via Ansiblex adjustments".

Risk vs Reward is likely to be a big theme in the upcoming expansion if CCP's track record is anything to go by. Pochven followed by Faction Warfare Frontlines both emphasize giving players a reason to fight over lucrative focal points. Having someone on the CSM to nudge CCP as they balance and adjust the new content over the next year will be invaluable.

As someone who likes to gatecamp in nullsec, Ansiblex adjustments would be great too. Landing in Horde space after taking a filament always makes me sad (I know, I know. Poor gatecamper).

Mark Resurrectus

"Hello friends, I'm your friendly neighborhood wormholerbtw CSM incumbent Mark Resurrectus, back again to try and convince the wormpeople to do something they've actually never done before - get the same candidate on the CSM in back to back years."

Wormholers and J-space has been under-represented in recent years. It makes sense to build on the work Mark did last year, should you choose him as your Wormhole candidate. The nullblocks can do without one of your votes in favour of Mark. NotawormholerBTW.

RGC Godfather

"Fully on Anti-Gank agenda. Protection of the little guy and new players."

I'm all for improvements to the New Player Experience, of which there have been many in recent years. Anti-Ganking too is a noble and valid playstyle. My only concern here is that an Anti-Gank agenda may mean advocating further nerfs to ganking. Ganking is something I firmly believe has been crucial to Eve's success, and sets it apart from other games. It stops the High Sec experience from becoming bland and unfulfilling, yet ganking has received nerf after nerf.

If the ruthlessness of Eve draws in one player for every one that ragequits, Eve is left stronger.

Wont somebody please think of the ganker?

Honourable Mentions

Mike Azariah - Operator of the magic schoolbus, an initiative to provide new players with free ships, I'd have no regrets in using one of my votes for him. He also brings a wealth of CSM experience.

Pandoralica - Someone that knows how to find content for his audience means he knows how Eve needs to improve in this area. Less time searching for content is better for everyone.

The Oz - A markets and economy expert that knows how to explain tricky concepts in a clear and easy to follow way. His investment fund may or may not benefit from having him on the CSM, if nothing else...

Alex Sinclair's avatar

EVEIL I'm currently working on the curated content for this bounty. Could you confirm that you are endorsing RGC Godfather but with a caveat of hesitation over gank nerfing?

EVEIL's avatar

After reviewing RGC's pitch on the Eve Forums, he makes it clear that his main goal is to eliminate ganking in high sec through direct intervention of CCP in altering game mechanics. Therefore I do not endorse RGC Godfather, rather I recommend against voting for him, for whatever my opinion is worth.

Thanks for seeking clarification o7

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Awesome. Thanks for clarifying!


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